Next Week: Prince George's County Zoning Rewrite Countywide Listening Sessions (Part One)
Part One just reprints as is the email notice from the Prince George's County Planning Department concerning meetings next week, which will kick off the update process for the County's Zoning Code with the aim of rewriting those sections that need changing in the context of the County's economic, land use, transportation, equity, and social concerns and planning for the future.
On Monday, a second entry will discuss the PG process in the context of "lessons learned" from Montgomery County, Maryland's zoning rewrite process--which started in 2009 and culminated in passage in 2014, after hearings throughout 2013 and 2014, and DC's rewrite process, which has been underway since late 2007, with very few sections passed, amid a great deal of contention between the inner and outer city.

21st Century Zoning Ordinance for Prince George's County
Countywide Planning Division
Prince George's County Planning Department
The Maryland-National Capital Park & Planning Commission
During the week of January 26, the Prince George’s County Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations team will hold three listening sessions in North, Central, and South county. The primary focus of these meetings is to solicit public input on the Evaluation and Recommendation Report that was released by Clarion Associates in December 2014.
Community input is crucial to creating a 21st century Zoning Ordinance for Prince George’s County. The project team and the Prince George’s County Planning Board value your participation throughout this process and we encourage you to get involved. Here is how you can participate:
1. Sign up to receive email updates
2. Check our website regularly and read our updates
3. Visit the Zoning Academy webpage to learn more about zoning
4. Review and provide feedback on draft project documents
5. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter
6. Participate in project meetings and events
7. Share project information with your friends and community members
January Countywide Listening Sessions
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Parks & Recreation Administration Building
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Southern Technology & Recreation Complex
Central County
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Labels: change-innovation-transformation, civic engagement, land use planning, sustainable land use and resource planning, zoning
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