Montgomery County Maryland Parks Department Speaker Series: David Barth, Wednesday October 3rd
I never realized that the Montgomery County Parks Department has a speaker series separate from that of the Planning Department. Both units are part of one overarching agency, the Maryland National Capital Parks and Planning Commission's Montgomery County Division.
Previous presentations have been video recorded and are accessible via the website
It's been brought to my attention that next week's speaker is parks planner David Barth, whose work has had a great deal of influence on my thinking ever since I saw him speak at the American Planning Association conference in 2004, where he was trying to unify "new urbanism" approaches with "City Beautiful" ideas--e.g., one of the points was that cities should treat streets as "linear parks."
David Barth – The Benefits of High-Performance Public Spaces
October 3, 2018 | 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m
Silver Spring Civic Building, Ellsworth Room | One Veterans Place, Silver Spring, MD 20910

Dr. David Barth is the Principal of Barth Associates. He is a registered Landscape Architect, Certified Planner, and Certified Parks and Recreation Professional who specializes in the planning, design, and implementation of the public realm.
Details on the first speaker session are available here.
Registrants get a boxed lunch!
While I came up with the Signature Streets idea separately, one of his diagrams is a great illustration of the concept and I use it all the time. The concept is discussed within this entry, "Town-City Management: We are all asset managers now."

Public Realm as an Interconnected system, Slide from presentation, Leadership and the Role of Parks and Recreation in the New Economy, David Barth
Labels: cultural planning, parks planning, urban design/placemaking
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