Seine on the Anacostia: Design Studio this Saturday

From the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the Institute of Classical Architecture and Classical America:
* Fact: DC’s worst urban, social and political problem is the disconnect between the center city and Anacostia
* Fact: The Seine is 500 feet wide; the Anacostia River 1000.
* Fact: Paris has a bridge across the Seine every ¼ mile; Washington has one about every mile along the Anacostia.
* Fact: most if not all the bridges in Paris are easily crossed by foot; it is virtually impossible for a pedestrian to cross the Anacostia.
* Fact: SW and SE DC have freeways that literally cut the city up so that between the SW Freeway and the 295 is a mile swath much of which is no-man’s land.
Talk about dividing a community.
The MA-ICA&CA Urban Design Studio - BUILD DC - OPEN STUDIO is examining an urban plan that stitches together this virtual tear in the urban and community fabric of Washington DC. This can be done in a way that does not require displacement of citizens, can be funded from the project itself, and opens up center-city resources that can breathe new urban and economic life into the District in a manner and on a scale hitherto unimaginable.
This is part of our 100-year vision.
We have met twice on this project and are developing a plan in the MA-ICA&CA Urban Design Studio, meeting every other Saturday through September. Our work will be presented at the Traditional Building Conference in October. Join us in this exciting adventure and lend a hand to a portion of the Second MacMillan Plan.
RSVP to as spaces around the table are limited.
When: Saturday 9/9/06, 12:00-6:00
Where: Franck Lohsen McCrery, Architects, Inc., 1715 N Street, NW, DC 20036
Phone: 202.223.9449

Index Keywords: Anacostia; urban-design-placemaking
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