More purple line
David Daddio of the Rethink College Park blog calls our attention to an article in one of today's Extra sections of the Post, "More Stations, Bigger Welcome for Purple Line Plans," as well as to a previous article, "Mixed Views On Changes To Purple Line Study," subtitled "9 More Stations, but Less Direct Access to Trail" and the graphic below. His blog has an entry "UMD Purple Line Response," about what they think of as a not very adept response by the University of Maryland. The Post covered that story here, "Students Urge Stronger Backing of Purple Line."
Now I haven't corroborated this, but I heard somewhere that Arizona State University is providing funding to the Valley Metro light rail system in Greater Phoenix, which will include stations that service the campus and Tempe. A much different perspective it appears. And a needed one--if true. Universities and other institutions with equivalent heft need to step up and address transportation demand management more generally, and at times, the provision of infrastructure, including transit. UMD does this with the bus service, but more could be done.

Post graphic. Update to Purple Line planning.

Sierra Club image.
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