Friday, February 06, 2009
About Me
- Name: Richard Layman
- Location: Salt Lake City, UTAH (UT), United States
I am an urban/commercial district revitalization and transportation/mobility advocate and consultant. I was a principal in BicyclePASS, a bicycle facilities systems integration firm, based in Washington, DC. Now I'm in Salt Lake City for family reasons. Urban economic competitiveness is dependent on efficient transit and mixed use, compact places. Therefore, I end up writing a lot about mobility and urban design. I still own a house in DC, so I write a lot about Washington, DC issues. I try to write so that "universal lessons" are evident in the entries, regardless of the place.
Jane's (Jacobs) Walks, first weekend in May
Parking Day, 3rd Friday in September
Business Affiliations
Projects I've Done
Western Baltimore County Pedestrian and Bicycle Access Plan
Baltimore County Pedestrian and Bicycle Legislation
Cambridge, Maryland Commercial District Revitalization Framework Plan
Easy print Florida Market Directory
Florida Market Map & Directory
Urban Safeway Design Misses Mark op-ed, WBJ
Temper Walmart Glee with Planning op-ed, WBJ
ANC4B Large Tract Review Report on Walmart, 5/2011
ANC4B Large Tract Review Report on Walmart, Summary Recommendations
Board membership
Bordercross Communications (Corinna Moebius)
This is None: Storytelling by Design
Other blogs I am involved with
Capital City Market (w/Frozen Tropics)
Dr. Transit/League of Transit Doctors
Previous Posts
- Webinars on retail business improvement
- Effects of the Los Angeles transit strike on highw...
- U.S. Senate Continues to Consider the American Rec...
- Regional problems require regional citizenship
- Historic preservation builds value, and is central...
- Reprint: When you don't believe that you're really...
- Locally serving retail and the current market
- Change I can believe in
- Follow the money...
- DC housing prices and the development market
Archives -- by month
- Bloomberg CityLab
- CityMetric (Ctr. for Cities/New Statesman
- Guardian Cities
- Alternative Weeklies Metasite
- Model D (Detroit) Magazine
- Philadelphia Weekly
- Pop City Media Pittsburgh (archive/defunct)
- Urbanite Baltimore (now defunct)
- Mississippi Renewal
- Preservation Resource Center of New Orleans
- Urban Conservancy
- Atlantic Yards Report
- Brooklyn Matters (video)
- Brooklyn Speaks
- Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn
- Spanish
- Arquitectura en construccion
- Ecosistema Urbano
- Daquella Manera
- Mi Diario Urbano (Mexico)
- Platforma Urbana (Chile)
- 116 Best Architecture Books (ArchDaily)
- Architecture Tourist (Atlanta)
- Big Cities-Big Boxes (Brooklyn)
- Big Map Blog
- California Urban History (great links)
- City Comforts
- City Fix
- CityStates (U Winnipeg)
- Coffee in the Square (London)
- Colchester Places & Spaces (UK)
- Community Indicators
- Curbed (NYC)
- Daily Dose of Architecture (Not Just Chicago)
- Detroit Blog
- Dirt: Connecting the Built & Natural Environment (ASLA)
- East Coast Architecture Review
- Ecology of Absence (St. Louis)
- Economic Development Pro
- Fabulous Ruins of Detroit
- Freedom-Elvert Barnes
- Jim Frizell/PA-Philly photos
- Girl in Detroit
- Goodspeed Update/Urbanism
- Green City Blue Lake (Cleveland)
- Hollaback! (street harassment)
- Imagining the City (New Zealand)
- Intercultural Urbanism
- Itinerant of SF (photos)
- Katarxis/Arch. (Lucien Stiehl)
- James Kunstler
- Living Streets (Raleigh, NC)
- Market Urbanism
- John Massengale/Arch.
- Mayor Sam's Sister City (LA)
- National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership
- Peopling Places (Chicago)
- Planning Livable Communities
- Polis
- Portland Ground (photos+)
- Pride in Detroit (great links too)
- Pruned
- Repeat/Arch.
- Rachelle B (Chicago Photos)
- Resurgence City-Newark USA
- Roadside Architecture Photos
- Road Signs
- St. Louis Urban Review
- San Francisco Cityscape
- Satan's Laundromat (NYC region)
- Save Richmond (defunct)
- Starts and Fits (Land Use/Transp.)
- Hubert Steed (Manhattan)
- Transfer (NYC Architecture)
- Urban Commons
- Urban Current
- Urban Ohio
- Urban Photo
- Urban Planet
- Urban Richmond
- Verifiable Truth (Gambling in Detroit)
- WestNorth (Chicago)
- What's New in Old North (St. Louis)
- Workbook (Arbetsbok) (Sweden)
- US Census by Decade
- Child in the City
- Copenhagen Agenda for Sustainable Cities
- Facts about U.S. States
- Glossary of Sociological Terms
- Place Brand Observer
- Urbepedia
- Advance Northeast Ohio
- Alliance for Regional Stewardship
- Asset-Based Community Dev. Institute
- ABCD in Action (forum)
- ABCD in Asia
- Association of Defense Communities
- Belonging Community: Being at home in an urban neighbourhood
- Best Practices & Local Leadership Program Website (UN)
- Black Commentator Magazine
- Blackonomics
- Brookings Metro Policy Program
- Building Resilient Regions
- Canadian Policy Research Network
- Canadian Urban Institute
- Center for Community Progress
- Center for Digital Government
- Center for Local Economic Strategies (UK)
- Ctr. for Neighborhood Tech.
- Center for an Urban Future
- Chicago Reporter
- Cities Alliance
- Cities and the Sports Business (Field of Schemes)
- City Branding & Marketing
- City Mayors Website
- CITYNET (Asia-Pacific Network)
- Coalition of Urban & Metropolitan Universities
- CoMedia: Creative Thinking about Cities and Culture
- Community Walk Google Mapping Website
- Convergence (Economic & Workforce Dev.)
- Cyburbia Planning Portal
- Demos/UK
- Development Gateway (Intl.)
- Eisenhower Foundation
- Elm Street Neighborhood Revitalization Approach (PA)
- Eurocities
- European Edge Cities Network
- Fund for Our Economic Future (Northeast OH)
- Future Cities Project (UK)
- Global Grid
- Global Urban Development
- Good Jobs First
- Institute of Urbanology
- Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy
- Intl. Economic Development Council
- Intl. Town-Gown Association (Colleges)
- Journal of Sustainable Real Estate
- Land Banks and Land Banking (book)
- Land Trust Alliance
- Mapping Blog
- Manhattan Institute-City Journal
- National Assn. of Development Organizations
- National Building Museum
- National League of Cities
- Neighborhood Planning Resource
- Organizing a Local Ec. Dev. Strategy (World Bank)
- People's Homesteading Group (Baltimore)
- Place Resilience (CLES, UK)
- Plan for Cities to Save Themselves
- Planned Densification
- Planner's Dream Gone Wrong
- Planners Network (Progressive Planning)
- Planning Boardroom (Australia)
- Pocket Neighborhoods (small scale community)
- Policy Link (Affordable Housing & more)
- Progressive Cities & Neighborhood Planning
- Project on Regional & Industrial Economies (UMN)
- Property Tax webpage (Lincoln Land Institute
- Radical Cartography
- Resilience Capacity Index
- Restoring Prosperity
- Right to the City Alliance
- Rural Development (USDA)
- Rural Fundraising Guide
- Prof. AnnaLee Saxenian (Regional Advantage)
- Smart Communities Network (Energy)
- Smart Growth America
- Smart Growth Online
- Sprawl Busters
- TV-Turnoff Network
- Prof. Norman Tyler's Community Revitalization Page
- Urban Archives (Seattle)
- Urban Cartography
- Urban Forum (UK)
- Urban History on H-Net
- Urban Land Institute
- Urbanophile
- Urbz -- User Generated Cities
- World Mayors Website
- BBC "Urban Planet"
- City Limits Magazine (NYC)
- Neighborhoods for Sale (Chicago Tribune)
- Squandered Heritage Part 1: Search and Destroy (Chicago Tribune)
- Squandered Heritage Part 2: Demolition Machine (Chicago Tribune)
- Squandered Heritage Part 3: Alternatives (Chicago Tribune)
- Roldo Bartimole, various Cleveland papers
- Alex Bozikovic, Toronto Globe & Mail
- Blair Kamin, Chicago Tribune
- John King, San Francisco Chronicle
- Dave LeBlanc, Architourist, Toronto Globe & Mail
- Roger Lewis, Shaping the City, Wash. Post
- Steven Litt, Cleveland Plain Dealer
- Inga Saffron, Philadelphia Inquirer
- Appalachian Ctr. for Econ. Networks
- Andersonville/Chicago
- Assn. of Boston Neighborhoods
- Baltimore National Heritage Area
- Baltimore Office of Promotion and the Arts
- Boston Main Streets
- Brooklyn Info. & Culture/Celebrate Brooklyn
- Camden NJ Advocacy website
- Campus Partners (Ohio State U/Columbus, OH)
- Center City BID/Philly
- Ctr. for Understanding the Built Environment
- Charles Village Community Benefits District (Balt.)
- Cherry Creek North BID (Denver)
- Chestnut Street District (Hays, Kansas)
- City Limits/NYC
- City Living Detroit
- Cityscape Detroit
- City Repair Portland
- Cleveland Business Revitalization District Overlay
- Community Facilities Districts (CA)
- Community Technical Assistance Ctr. (defunct)
- Downtown Brookings SD
- Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative/Boston
- East Carson Main Street/ Pittsburgh
- Envision Utah
- Famicos Foundation (Housing) Cleveland
- Federal Hill Main Street (Balt.)
- Fulton Street BID, Brooklyn
- Girard Coalition (Philly)
- Gotham Gazette/ NYC
- City of Johannesburg/ South Africa
- Lewisburg Pennsylvania
- Liveable City/ Austin, Texas
- Live Baltimore program
- London Assembly (UK) Govt. Oversight Section
- London (KY) Downtown
- London (UK) Sustainability Exchange
- Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy
- Lower Downtown District/Denver
- Lower East Side NYC BID
- Michigan Land Use Institute
- Montreal Urban Ecology Center
- Neighborhood Dev. Ctr. (San Jose)
- Neighborhood Law Corps (Oakland, CA)
- Neighborhood Revitalization Planning/Minneapolis
- Neptis Foundation (Toronto)
- North Park Main Street/ San Diego
- Oaklandish (CA)
- Over-the-Rhine District/ Cincinnati
- Philadelphia Green City Project
- SF Planning & Urb. Research Assn.
- Scenic Philadelphia
- Second Street District, Austin
- Storefront for Art & Architecture (NYC)
- Sustainable South Bronx
- Sustainable Urban Neighborhoods (Louisville)
- Temple Bar District, Dublin
- Toronto Public Space Committee
- Transportation & Land Use Coalition (SF)
- University City District/Philly
- Urban Ambassadors, Des Moines
- Urban Ecology (SF)
- Urban Information Center (Dallas Public Library)
- Waimakariri District/ New Zealand
- Why Berwyn (IL)
- Woodward Ave. Action Assn. (Detroit)
- Yorkshire Forward (UK)
- Youngstown 2010 (Planning for contraction)
- Your Town Alabama
- Assn. for Public Art
- Create Equity blog
- DC By the Book
- Fractured Atlas space finding programs
- UNESCO (UN Ed., Sci. & Cultural Org.)
- Arts & Civic Engagement Report (NEA)
- Arts Management Initiative, Kennedy Center
- Arts & the Metropolis
- Creative Placemaking (NEA report)
- Culture Days (Canada)
- Cultural Planning Toolkit (BC)
- Cultural Mapping Toolkit (BC)
- Events Planning Guide (BC)
- Events Planning Guide (Nova Scotia)
- Garden Tourism Conference
- Heritage Area Heritage Management Plan Development (MD)
- Museum Benchmarking Online (AAM)
- Seattle City of Music: A vision for the future of music in Seattle
- Theatre Development Fund (NYC)
- Washington (DC) Arts Museum project
- Art of the Prank
- Arts Journal/Aesthetic Grounds
- Bloggy (NYC)
- DC Art News
- Richard Florida's Creative Class Blog
- Just Seeds Artists' Collective
- Roadsworth (street art)
- Theatre Ideas
- James Wagner (NYC)
- All Ages Movement Project (youth/music)
- Alliance for Arts & Culture (Vancouver, BC)
- Alliance of Artists Communities
- Americans for the Arts
- Artists' Centers: Evolution & Impact on Careers, Neighborhoods & Economies
- Artists in Development
- Art on Purpose (Balt.)
- Art-Public (European Public Art Portal)
- Artscape (Toronto)
- Arts Economy Initiative (UMN)
- Arts Extension Service (U Mass)
- Arts Journal
- Artsopolis (San Jose, CA)
- Assn. of Performing Arts Presenters
- Baltimore Office of Promotion and the Arts
- Calgary Public Art Program
- Centre of Expertise on Culture and Communities (Canada)
- CoMedia: Creative Thinking about Cities and Culture
- Community Arts Network
- Connective Corridor (Syracuse, NY)
- Cool Cities (State of Michigan)
- Cool Cleveland (Young/Creative Class)
- Creative Alliance (Baltimore)
- Creative Class (Richard Florida)
- Creative Clusters
- Creative City Network/ Canada
- Cultural Commons-Ctr. for Arts & Culture
- Demos/UK
- Economic Impact of Arts
- European Inst. for Comparative Cultural Research
- Fairmount Park Art Assn./ Philadelphia
- Fund for Folk Culture
- Gateway Arts District Plan (PG Cty, MD)
- Handmade in America National Heritage Area
- Hub-Bub (Spartanburg, SC)
- The Informal Arts: Finding Cohesion, Capacity & Other Cultural Benefits in Unexpected Places
- LOCA Cultural Development Agency (UK)
- London (ON) Creative City Task Force Report
- Making Exact Change: Arts & Community Change
- Making the Case for Culture
- Maryland Arts & Ent. Districts Program
- Memphis Manifesto
- Metropolis St. Louis (Young/Creative Class)
- Mural Arts Program (Philly)
- Mural Routes (Canada-Intl.)
- Museum Marketing Tips
- National Arts Strategies (Leadership Dev.)
- Nat. Guild of Community Schools of the Arts
- Ontario Ministry of Culture
- Oregon Cultural Trust
- Paducah KY Arts Program
- Participation in Arts & Culture: Importance of Community Venues
- Penn Ave. Arts Initiative (Pittsburgh)
- Pittsburgh Cultural Trust (Arts)
- Power of Culture
- Public Ad Campaign
- Public Art Online (UK)
- Public Art Review (journal)
- Public Art Project Toolkit (pub.)
- Public Art Toolkit (website
- Public Art Web Links
- St. Louis Public Arts Consortium (curriculum)
- Schools of Living Tradition (Philippines)
- School 33 Arts Center (Balt.)
- Sculpture by the Sea (Australia)
- Sculpture Foundation
- The Search for Shining Eyes: Audiences, Leadership and Change in the Symphony Orchestra Field
- Short North Arts District (Columbus, OH)
- 16:62 Design Zone/ Pittsburgh
- Station North Arts District (Balt.)
- Social Impact of the Arts Project
- Storefront Artist Project/ Pittsfield, MA
- Third (3rd) Ward, Brooklyn (defunct)
- This is not an ad collective
- Urban Culture Project (KC)
- Wallace Foundation Knowledge Ctr. (Lots of great reports on various relevant topics)
- Working Classroom (New Mexico)
- World Cities Culture Forum
- Action for Market Towns (UK)
- Blog/Pleasant Family Shopping (history)
- Blog/Purdue Ctr. for Regional Dev.
- Blog/Retail Contrarian
- Blog/Retail Design Diva
- Blog/Traffic Court (Retail Traffic Mag.)
- Business Recruitment Handbook by David Milder
- Choosing a Retail Location
- Commercial District Advisor
- Co-operative Grocers Information Network
- Community Owned Retail (Retail cooperatives)
- Community Owned Retail (Plunkett Foundation, UK)
- Community Owned Shops (UK)
- Community Revitalization Desktop Guide (PA)
- Competing with Mass Merchandisers
- Cooperative (Grocery) Business Development Library
- Cooperative Pubs (UK)
- DC BID Council
- Downtown and Business District Market Analysis Toolbox
- Locavesting
- Main Street America (national)
- Night Time Economy (Phil Hadfield)
- PeopleFund
- Practioners Guide to Urban Main Street Programs
- Research Markets for Service Businesses
- Responsible Hospitality Institute
- Restaurant Business Check up survey
- Restaurant-ing Through History
- Retail Business Check up survey
- Urban Retail Centers Design Information Sheet (broken)
- Brandland USA
- Evolution of the Shopping Center (U San Diego)
- Groceteria (supermarket history)
- Label Scar (mall history)
- Mall History (Eastern CT College)
- Business Plans and Profiles Index (Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh)
- Business Plan Templates (SCORE)
- Financial Ratios Calculator
- Retail Comic strip by Norman Feuti
- Tourism Development Guides (Nova Scotia)
- Understanding Your Trade Area: Implications for Retail Analysis
- About BIDs (UNC student project)
- Am. Independent Business Alliance (for retailers)
- BIDs (MIT course)
- Big Box Retail & Austin TX: An Economic Study
- Brand Experience Blog
- Challenges of the Future: Rebirth of Small Independent Retail
- Community Econ. Dev. Resources
- Creating BIDs (NYC)
- The Customer-Centric Store
- Economic Impacts of Wal Mart (papers)
- Enemies of Innovation
- Fashion Inst. of Tech. Enterprise Ctr.
- Historic Downtown Los Angeles Retail Project
- Independent Business Initiative | Institute for Local Self Reliance
- Initiative for a Competitive Inner City
- Issues in Creating BIDs
- LOCA Cultural Development Agency (UK)
- Main Street Resource Guide (NYS)
- Main Street: When a Highway Runs Through It
- Media Life e-mag "Out of Home" Promotion section
- Microenterprise Development
- National Main Street Center
- Nat. Retail Tenants Assn. (Chains)
- Neighborhood Retail Alliance (NYC)
- New Economics Foundation (UK)
- Ontario Business Programs Guide
- Organizing a Successful Downtown Revitalization Program
- Out of Home International
- Power Sponsorship
- Restaurant Owner Website
- Retail & Service Location (Geog. class)
- Retail Enterprise Network (UK)
- Retail Merchants Assn. of Greater Richmond
- Revitalizing Urban Main Streets (Seidman/MIT)
- Rural Grocery Store Initiative
- Ten Principles for Developing Successful Town Centers
- Ten Principles for Rebuilding Neighborhood Retail (ULI)
- Ten Principles for Rethinking the Mall
- Turning Around Downtown: 12 Steps to Revitalization
- Using The Hidden Assets of America's Communities & Regions to Ensure Sustainable Communities
- What is a Community Benefits District?
- When Main Street is a State Highway
- Who Lives Downtown? (Brookings)
- Cathedral and the Bazaar paper
- The Change Agency (Australia)
- Civic Data Challenge
- Civic Engagement Research Group (Mills College)
- Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement
- Civic Society Initiative (UK)
- Community Organizing Toolbox
- DC Open Government Forum
- Fix My Street (UK)
- Governance & Anti-Corruption (World Bank)
- National Citizens Survey
- National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation
- National Conference on Citizenship
- Neighborhood Problem Solving Manual (Salinas, CA)
- Public Accountability Initiative
- Reclaim (Economic) Democracy
- Storefront for Art & Architecture (NYC)
- Streetbank: Sharing in your neighbourhood (UK)
- Technology for Engagement (Knight Foundation)
- Center for Cultural Understanding and Change (Field Museum)
- Center for Regional Citizenship (Hampton Roads, VA)
- Community-Based Participatory Research Curriculum
- Community Multimedia Centers (UNESCO)
- Community Organizing Action Pack
- Compass: Direction for the democratic left (UK)
- Hampton Roads (VA) Center for Civic Engagement
- Highlander Research & Ed. Center
- Intl. Center for Non-Profit Law
- Intl. Journal for Non-Profit Law
- Local Democracy Convention
- Progressive Technology Project
- Saguaro Seminar: Civic Engagement in America
- Social Capital Reading List
- Transparency International: Global Coalition Against Corruption
- Urban Governance (UN Habitat)
- Bibliography (from Nat. Park Service)
- United States Constitution
- Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress, 1774-2005
- Impact Silver Spring (MD)
- Kaufmann Governance Post
- Lead Virginia
- Smart Communities Blog (Pew)
- Social Weather Stations (surveying)
- Voices Rising Blog (Chicago)
- All Ages Movement Project (youth/music)
- Arts & Civic Engagement Report (NEA)
- Asset-Based Community Development Institute
- Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools
- Campus Compact (Town-Gown Civic Engagement)
- Center of the Study of Local Issues (Anne Arundel Comm. College)
- Citizen Engagement and Global Economic Power (report)
- Citizen's Handbook (Guide to Building Community)
- Civic Education Teacher Development Program
- Civicus: World Alliance for Civic Participation
- Civil Renewal Program (UK)
- Communications Initiative Network
- Community Informatics Research Network
- Community Organizing Resources
- Community Toolbox (Organizing Resources)
- Community Weaving
- Deliberative Democracy Consortium
- Direct Action Organizing (Midwest Academy)
- Drum Major Institute for Public Policy
- El Agora (Argentina)
- Everyday Democracy
- Friendly Societies Research Group
- Getting Citizens Involved: Community Participation in Neighbourhood Renewal (UK)
- Guerrilla Gardening
- Illinois Campaign for Political Reform
- Integrated Approaches to Participatory Dev.
- Intl. Assn. for Public Participation
- Intl. Institute for Rural Reconstruction
- Inventing Civic Solutions (Pew)
- Kitchen Democracy
- MASS Citizen Planner Training
- MoveOn
- Municipal League of King County
- My Society (Civic Engagement Web Development)
- National Civic League
- National Park Service Civic Engagement webpage
- National Park Service & Civic Engagement report
- National Training & Info. Ctr.
- Neighbourhoods & Social Capital (UK)
- Participatory Communication Strategy Design
- Participatory Learning & Action Journal
- Participatory Rural Communication Appraisal
- Pew Partnership for Civic Change
- Provisions Library
- Public Servant blog
- Reform the Port (Seattle)
- Schwerpunkter International
- Search for Common Ground
- Share Ideas
- Social Capital Gateway
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Strategic Concepts in Organizing & Policy Ed.
- Architecture as Crime Control
- Auntie Litter
- Boston Strategy to Reduce Youth Violence
- Ctr. for Problem-Oriented Policing
- Creating Defensible Space
- Crime Concern (UK)
- Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
- Crime Reduction (UK)
- Graffiti Hurts
- Graffiti Tracker technology
- Keep America Beautiful
- Keep Australia Beautiful (Better stuff than the U.S.)
- Litter Survey Form
- Major Cities Chiefs Association
- National Assn. of Town Watch
- National Night Out
- National Center for Community Policing
- National Crime Prevention Council
- Operation Trident (Black-on-Black crime initiative)
- Public Space Report Card
- Respect Agenda (UK)
- ShotSpotter Gunshot Location Systems
- Skate Stoppers
- Stop the Guns Campaign (UK)
- Texas Anti-Litter Program
- Together: Tackling Anti-Social Behavior
- Climate Resilient Cities program (World Bank)
- Herring Fire & Emergency Training Institute (LSU)
- How to Help Your Community Recover from Disaster: A Manual for Planning and Action
- Responding to Climate Change in New York State
- Stephenson Nat. Ctr. for Security Research & Training (LSU)
- Urban Libraries Council Innovations webpage
- All Students Succeeding: A Master Education Plan for a System of Great Schools (DC)
- Civic Index for Quality Education
- Dayton (OH) Neighborhood School Centers
- DC Education Blog
- DC Education Compact
- DC Libraries Renaissance Project
- DC Public Charter School Board
- DC Public Library System: A Blueprint for Change
- DC Public Schools
- DC Public Schools Planning Process
- DC School Gardening Project
- Federation of Friends of the DC Public Library System
- Friends of Choice in Urban Schools (DC)
- Friends of DC Archives
- MD Assn. for Envir. & Outdoor Education
- Parents United for the DC Public Schools
- Teachers and Parents for Real Education Reform
- Blog/Educational Justice
- Blog/Librarian at the Kitchen Table
- Blog/Reading on the Subway
- Annenberg Institute for School Reform (Brown U)
- Broad Prize for Urban Education
- Catalyst Chicago School Reform Newspaper archives
- Center for Cities & Schools
- Children, Youth & Environments Journal
- City of Learning: School Design and Planning as Urban Revitalization
- Civic Capacity and Urban Education Reform (Stone)
- Coalition for Community Schools (many great reports)
- Community Centered Schools (NTHP)
- Community Youth Development Journal
- Education Commission of the States
- Education Trust
- ERIC - Ed. Resources Info. Ctr.
- Edutopia (Magazine+)
- The Family Learning Contract: A Tool to Support Parent Volunteerism & Parent Accountability
- First Day of School Initiatives
- Gaining Traction, Gaining Ground: How Some High Schools Accelerate Learning for Struggling Students
- Getting Smarter, Becoming Fairer: A Progressive Education Agenda for a Stronger Nation
- Green Street Arts Center
- Hand in Hand Parenting Institute (CA)
- Harlem Children's Zone
- Idea Store "Libraries" (London)
- Libraries Build Communities
- Libraries Building Communities (Australia)
- Library Return on Investment (OCLC)
- Many Faces of Parent Involvement Manual
- Nat. Assn. for Year Round Ed.
- Nat. Ctr. for Educ. Accountability
- Nat. Clearinghouse for Ed. Facilities
- National Parent-Teachers Association
- Nat. Summer Learning Assn.
- National Trust page on Historic Neighborhood Schools
- New Schools Better Neighborhoods
- New Visions for Public Schools (NYC)
- Parent Leadership Training Institute (CT)
- Pathways to Education Canada
- Perceptions of Libraries & Info. resources
- Philadelphia Public School Notebook (newsletter)
- Power to Change: High Schools that Help All Students Achieve
- Public Education Network
- Public Schools & Economic Development: What the Research Shows
- Rethinking Schools Magazine
- Schools as Centers of Community: A Citizen's Guide for Planning and Design
- Smart Growth & Schools (EPA)
- Smart Growth & Schools (Nat. Clearinghouse for Ed. Facilities
- Smart Schools Initiative
- 21st Century School Fund (Improving Urban School Facilities)
- Helping Johnny Walk to School
- Bat habitat (DC-MD)
- City of Albany (CA) Climate Action Plan
- Celsias blog on Climate Change
- Chesapeake Quarterly (MD Sea Grant Program)
- Cities and Biodiversity Outlook
- Cities and Biodiversity Outlook: Action and Policy (report)
- Ecodistricts: Building Blocks for Sustainable Cities
- Green Roof blog
- Guide to Greening Neighborhoods
- Living on Earth radio show
- Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat & Conservation Landscaping: Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Plant Invaders of Mid-Atlantic Natural Areas
- Portland Sustainability Institute
- Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay
- Adaptive Reuse
- Am. Council for Energy-Efficient Economy
- Brooklyn Ctr. for the Urban Environment
- Cascadia Scorecard
- Common Assets
- Daily Score (NW U.S.)
- Delaware Center for Horticulture
- Ecotrust - Building Salmon Nation
- Environment America
- Environmental Justice Center
- Environmental Law & Policy Center
- European Academy of the Urban Environment
- Friends of the Earth
- Green Manhattan (article)
- Green Map
- Home Energy Conservation
- MD Assn. for Envir. & Outdoor Education
- Maryland Native Plant Society
- Midwest Env. Advocates Sustaining Communities program
- Montreal Urban Ecology Center
- Nat. Environmental Ed. & Training Foundation
- Rhizome Collective (Austin, TX)
- Roadside Vegetation Concept and Planning Manual (DE)
- Rocky Mountain Power Shift (college students, sustainability)
- Sightline Institute (NW U.S.)
- State Educ. & Environment Roundtable
- Urban Environment Accords (UN)
- Urban Environmental Management
- Vertical Garden by Patrick Blanc
- Waste & Resources Action Programme (UK)
- Wilmington City Gardens Contest (DE)
- WorldWatch Institute
- Agricultural Innovation Center, U Wisc.
- Bulk is Green Food Council
- California Food Literacy Project
- Ctr. for Integrated Ag. Systems, U Wisc.
- Characteristics of Successful Farmers Market
- Chop Chop Magazine (for children)
- City Bench (urban wood/furniture production)
- Closing the Food Gap (book)
- Community Food Enterprises
- Community Supported Agriculture
- Cooperative (Grocery) Business Development Library
- Designing an Inner City Food Cluster Strategy (ICIC)
- Discovering the Food System: A Primer on Community Food Systems
- Edible Communities Network (local food mags.)
- Edible Geography
- Enhancing the Success of Farmers Markets
- Fair Trade Federation
- Federation of City Farms & Community Gardens (UK)
- Food Chain Workers Alliance
- Food Co-op Initiative
- Foodprint Project
- Greenaid (seed bombs)
- Healthy Corner Stores Network
- Honey Bee Haven
- How to Start a School Garden: A Toolkig
- Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development
- List of Public Markets
- Local Harvest (National Listings)
- Nat. Assn. of Produce Market Managers
- National Family Farm Coalition
- National Food Truck Assn.
- Neighborhood Gardens Trust (Philadelphia)
- Oldways Preservation Trust
- Perceptions of the U.S. Food System: What and How Americans Think about their Food
- PPS Presentation on Soc./Ec. Benefits of Farmers Markets
- Port Clyde Fresh Catch (seafood CSA)
- Restaurant-ing Through History
- Save and grow: policymaker’s guide to sustainable intensification of smallholder crop production
- Sharing Backyards
- Slow Money Alliance
- Small Plot Intensive Farming
- Smart Marketing Newsletter
- Splendid Table radio show on food
- Urban Farm Hub (Seattle)
- Urban Farm Magazine
- USDA Food Access Research Atlas
- USDA Local Foods webpage
- Ctr. for Ag. Dev. & Entrepreneurship (NY)
- Blue Ridge Food Ventures (NC)
- Community Kitchen for Food-Based Businesses (Athens, OH)
- Craftcation conference
- Economic Impact Model for Farmers Markets
- Establishing & Operating a Community Farmers' Market
- Farmers Market Consortium Resource Guide (USDA)
- Farmers Market USDA Webpage
- Food Routes (Mkt. Technical Support)
- Fresh Moves/Food Desert Action (Chicago)
- Green Cart Program (NYC)
- Growing Power
- Henside: Chicken Coop Tour Raleigh NC
- Hot Bread Kitchen (NYC)
- La Cocina (Business Incubator, SF)
- Mi Kitchen es su Kitchen
- Mobile Kitchen Classroom (NYC)
- North Am. Farmers Direct Mktg. Assn.
- Planning Policy and Urban Agriculture
- Project for Public Spaces/ Markets
- Public Markets as a Vehicle for Social Integration and Upward Mobility
- Tools for Rapid Market Assessments
- Resources for Farmers Mkts.
- Starting & Strengthening Farmers Markets
- Trading places: the local economic impact of street produce and farmer's markets
- Urban Agriculture Plan (Minneapolis)
- Washington State Farmers Market Manual
- Alternative Energy Resources Org. (MT)
- Am. Community Gardening Assn.
- Arcadia Farms Mobile Sales (DC area)
- Assn. for Living History, Farm & Ag. Museums
- Beacon Food Forest (Seattle)
- La Boqueria (Barcelona)
- Brooklyn Kitchen in the Classroom
- Brooklyn Night Bazaar
- Buy Appalachian (NC)
- Byward Market (Ottawa)
- Chicago Food & Nutrition Network
- City Farmer
- Comeback for small farms
- Civil Eats
- Community Farm Alliance (KY)
- Community Food Security Coalition (archive)
- Council on Envir. of NYC
- Crescent City Farmers Market (New Orleans)
- Eastern Market Detroit
- European Food Project
- European Market Halls (Piac Project)
- Fallen Fruit
- Farm to City (PA)
- Farmers Market Alliance of Western PA
- Federation of Mass. Farmers' Markets
- Ferry Building (SF)
- Food Book Fair (NYC)
- Food Chain Mural Blog
- Food Not Lawns
- FoodShare (Toronto)
- Food Trust (Philadelphia)
- Fruit Tree Planting Foundation
- Green Leaf Market (wholesale - Wisconsin)
- Grown in the City (urban ag.)
- Grub: Ideas for an Urban Organic Kitchen
- Haley House Bakery & Cafe (Boston)
- Honeybee Conservancy
- Home Grown: The Case For Local Food In A Global Market
- Home Orchard Society
- Institute for Food & Dev. Policy
- Italian Market Philadelphia
- Just Food NYC
- Lancaster Central Market Master Plan
- Midtown Exchange Global Market (Minneapolis)
- Missouri Farmers Markets
- Morrisons Supermarkets Lets Grow campaign (UK)
- National Farmers Retail and Markets Association (UK)
- National Fruit Explorers
- New Amsterdam Public Market proposal (NYC)
- New Farm Institute
- Oregon Farmers Markets
- Oyster Recovery Partnership (Chesapeake Bay)
- Philadelphia Orchard Project
- Pike Place Market (Seattle)
- Plants for a Future (UK)
- Portland (OR) Farmers Markets
- Practical Farmers (Iowa)
- Reading Terminal Market/Philly
- Reap/Sow (youth-driven magazine for sustainable food movement)
- Red Tomato
- Resource Ctr. on Urb. Agriculture
- River Market (Little Rock)
- Saturday Morning Market (Tampa Bay)
- Seasonal Chef
- Seattle Farmers Markets
- Slow Food International
- Slow Food USA
- Small Farm Success Project
- Soil Born Urban Farm (Sacramento)
- SE Mass. Ag. Partnership
- Southern Foodways Alliance
- Southern Sustainable Ag. Working Group
- Stop Community Food Centre (Toronto)
- Street Vendor Project (NYC)
- Strip District (Pittsburgh)
- Surf City Nights (Huntington Beach, CA)
- Sustainable Ag. Research & Ed. Program (UC-Davis)
- Sustain: Alliance for Food & Farming (UK)
- Take Back the Kitchen (training, Boston(
- Toronto Food Policy Council
- Toronto Youth Food Policy Council
- Urban Orchards Project (Boston)
- Urban Sprouts (SF)
- Why Hunger
- DC Food Truck Assn.
- DC State Fair
- Eater DC
- Edible Blue Ridge
- Edible DC
- Savor Virginia Magazine
- Food Truck Fiesta
- Maryland Farm & Harvest TV program
- Baltimore Honey (CSA)
- Baltimore Public Markets
- Baltimore Urban Ag. Task Force
- Belvedere Square (Balt.)
- Capital Area Food Bank (DC)
- City Blossoms (DC, childrens gardening)
- DC Cooperative Extension
- DC Food Truck Tracker
- DC Honeybees
- Eastern Market (DC)
- Eastern Market Flea Market(DC)
- FreshFARM Markets (DC region)
- From the Bay, For the Bay (Chesapeake Bay)
- Lexington Market (Balt.)
- Local Food System Assessment for Northern VA
- Local Food Hub (Charlottesville)
- Loudoun Farms (VA)
- Loudoun Heritage Farm Museum
- Maryland Organic Food & Farming Assn.
- Neighborhood Farm Initiative
- Southern Maryland Agri. Dev. Commission
- Talmar Gardens & Hort. Center (Balt. County)
- Tricycle Gardens (Richmond)
- Union Market DC
- Virginia Grown (State Ag.)
- Waverly Farmers Market (Baltimore)
- Active Design Guidelines (NYC)
- Active Living by Design
- ChangeLab Solutions (Law & Health Policy)
- APHA Transportation & Health Toolkit
- Getting to Grocery: Tools for Attracting Healthy Food Retail to Underserved Neighborhoods
- How to Create and Implement Healthy General Plans
- Philips Center for Health and Well-being
- Planning for Healthy Places
- Preventing Chronic Disease Journal (CDC)
- Assn. for Preservation Technology
- Building Backyard Cottages (ADUS) in Southeast Seattle
- Building Doctor (Ohio)
- Learning About & Preserving Your Historic House (Rehab Rochester)
- National Center for Preservation Technology & Training
- National Park Service Technical Preservation Briefs
- NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission Rowhouse Manual
- Old House Web
- Philadelphia Rowhouse Manual
- Preservation Trades Network
- Reasons to Restore or Repair Wood Windows
- Repointing Mortar Joints in Historic Masonry Buildings
- Retro Renovation blog
- Roanoke Residential Pattern Book
- Tom Russack blog, masonry
- Weald & Downland Open Air Museum (training) (UK)
- Window Tip Sheet
- American Bungalow Magazine
- American Heritage Magazine
- American History Magazine
- Arts & Crafts Homes
- Atomic Ranch
- Early American Life
- Midcentury Magazine
- Modernism Magazine
- Old House Journal
- This Old House Magazine
- Victorian Homes Magazine
- Boundary Stones of DC
- Building Stones of our Nation's Capital
- Historical bibliography of built environment, Washington DC Metropolitan area
- Washington DC History Resources (Matthew Gilmore)
- Guides to DC Historic Districts
- National Park Service Planning for the National Mall
- Community Heritage Project (Humanities Council)
- DC Writers' Homes
- Star Spangled Banner Historic Trail Study (NPS)
- Streets of Washington (history/images blog)
- To Preserve and Protect, story, Calder Loth, Virginia
- Trust for the National Mall
- Alexandria Association
- Alliance to Preserve the Civil War Defenses of Washington
- Alliance to Conserve Old Richmond Neighborhoods (VA)
- Anacostia Heritage Trails Area (MD-Cultural Tourism)
- Archaeology in the Community
- Arlington Heritage Alliance (VA)
- Arlington Historical Society (VA)
- Art Deco Society of Washington
- Assn. of Oldest Inhabitants of DC
- Baltimore Architecture Foundation
- Brewmasters Castle (Heurich Mansion)
- Brutalist DC
- Colonial Williamsburg (VA)
- Commission on Fine Arts (DC)
- Cultural Tourism DC
- DC History on H-Net
- DC Historic Preservation Legal Resources (Georgetown U)
- DC Preservation League
- Folklore Society of Greater Washington
- Frederick Historic Sites Consortium (MD)
- Friends of Maryland's Olmsted Parks & Landscapes
- Greater Alexandria Preservation Alliance
- Heritage Montgomery (MD)
- Historic House Museum Consortium of DC
- Historic Preservation's Role in DC's Future (paper)
- Historical Society of the District of Columbia Circuit Court
- Historical Society of Washington DC
- Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington
- Loudoun Archaeological Foundation
- Lyceum: Alexandria History Museum
- Maryland Historical Society
- Maryland Historical Trust
- Modern Capital (mid-century modern)
- Montgomery County Historical Society (MD)
- National Mall Coalition (DC)
- Off Boundary Preservation Brigade (DC)
- Peerless Rockville
- Preservation Howard County
- Preservation Maryland
- Preservation New Jersey
- Preservation Virginia
- Preserving DC Stables (alley buildings)
- PG County Historical Society
- Prince George's County History Consortium (MD)
- Prince William Historic Preservation Foundation (VA)
- Residential Architecture of Washington, D.C., and Its Suburbs
- Reston Historic Trust
- Shenandoah Valley Battlefields Foundation
- Silver Spring Historical Society
- Society of Architectural Historians Latrobe Chapter (DC region)
- Star Spangled History Trail (NPS Study--DC&MD)
- Story of Virginia
- Victorian Secrets (Preservation Advocacy)
- Virginia Association of Museums
- Virginia Historical Society
- Virginia Local Preservation Reference Collection
- Virginia Dept. of Historic Resources
- Washington Conservation Guild
- ABA Legal Ed. materials on Historic Pres.
- ABA legal materials on historic preservation
- The Contribution of Historic Preservation to Constitutional Law
- Anatomy of a Main Street Commercial Building
- Architecture in Education
- Building Technology Heritage Library
- Economics Associated with Outdoor Recreation, Natural Resources Conservation and Historic Preservation in the U.S.
- Heritage Strategies blog
- HistoryPin (now and then digital images)
- Nat. Assn. for Interpretation
- New Buildings Among Old: Historicism and the Search for an Architecture of Our Time (Semes)
- Placeography
- Preservation Economic Impact Model
- PreserveNet (Web Guide from Cornell
- Property Professors Blog (Law)
- Roanoke Architectural Styles Coloring Book
- Save the Post Office
- Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (Sec. 106 & more)
- Affordable Housing and Historic Preservation
- Alliance of National Heritage Areas
- Am. Cultural Resources Assn.
- Am. Institute of Architects Historic Pres. Committee
- Am. Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works
- Architectural Heritage Foundation (Boston)
- Barn Again! (Farms/Barns)
- Brownstone Revival Coalition (NYC)
- Buffalo as an Architectural Museum (NY)
- Comic Strip/All Over Coffee
- Cinema Treasures (theater website)
- Citizens Emergency Ctte. to Preserve Preservation (NYC)
- Civil War Trust
- Cleveland Restoration Society
- Culture, Historic Preservation and Economic Development in the 21st Century
- Doors Open Toronto
- Drew University Historic Preservation Certificate Program
- Dry Stone Conservancy
- Economic Power of Historic Preservation (Paper)
- Engaging Places blog
- Heritage Development Institute (Heritage Areas)
- Heritage Preservation (Nat. Inst. of Conservation)
- Historic Chicago Bungalow Initiative
- Historic Districts Council (NYC)
- Historic Districts Council Blog (NYC)
- Historic Preservation Caucus (US Congress)
- Historic Preservation Portal (US Govt.)
- Historic Roads
- History Now Online Teaching Resource
- House Committee on Natural Resources (US Congress)
- House Committee on Resources Republicans (US Congress)
- Institute of Classical Architecture & Classical America
- Landmark Society of Western New York
- League of Historic American Theaters
- Municipal Art Society/NYC
- Nat. Alliance of Preservation Commissions
- Nat. Amusement Park Historical Assn.
- Nat. Carousel Assn.
- Nat. Ctr. for Preservation Technology and Training
- National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers
- National Council on Public History
- National Railway Historical Society
- National Register of Historic Places
- National Trust for Historic Preservation
- New Jersey Heritage Tourism Master Plan
- Oral History Workshop (Baylor)
- Partners for Sacred Places
- Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation
- Preservation Action (Advocacy)
- Preservation Institute
- Preservation Magazine Online
- Preservation Research Office (St. Louis)
- Preservation Resource Center of New Orleans
- Preservation Volunteers
- Preserve America (U.S. Govt.)
- Profiting Through Preservation (report/NY)
- Public History Review (Journal)
- Railway Heritage Trust (UK)
- Recent Past Preservation Network
- Rescue Public Murals
- St. Louis Building Arts Foundation
- Save the 76 Ball
- Scenic Byways Program (U.S.)
- Sears Houses
- Society for Commercial Archeology
- Society for History in the Fed. Govt.
- Society of Architectural Historians
- Society for Industrial Archeology
- Squandered Heritage articles (Chicago Tribune)
- Theatre Historical Society of America
- Tile Heritage Society
- Transport Trust (UK)
- Twin Cities Bungalow Club
- Victorian Society in America
- Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy
- Young Preservationists of Pittsburgh
- Ypsilanti (MI) Heritage Foundation
- Adventures in Preservation (hands-on workshops)
- Architectural Heritage Fund (UK)
- Art Deco Trust (Napier, NZ)
- Coalition to Protect Rural England
- Docomomo International (Modernism)
- English Heritage (UK)
- Europa Nostra: Pan-European Federation for Heritage
- European Fed. of Assns. for Industrial & Technical Heritage
- Global Heritage Fund
- Heritage Canada
- Historic Ec. & Regeneration Trust (Norwich, UK)
- Heritage Lottery Fund (UK)
- Heritage Resource Centre (U of Waterloo, Canada)
- Heritage Strategies blog
- Historic Environment Local Mgmt. (UK)
- Inland Waterways Assn. (UK)
- Institute of Historic Building Conservation (UK)
- International Coalition of Art Deco Societies
- International Council on Monuments & Sites
- Local History Magazine (UK)
- Ontario Heritage Toolkit
- Org. of World Heritage Cities
- Save Britain's Heritage
- Soc. for Protection of Ancient Buildings (UK)
- 20th Century Society (UK)
- Twentieth Century Society USA
- Valuing Historic Environments
- World Heritage Center (UNESCO)
- World Heritage Forum
- World Monuments Fund
- Affordable Housing Blog from NixonPeabody
- Affordable Housing and Historic Preservation
- Affordable Housing Institute
- Coalition of Non-profit Housing & Econ. Dev.
- Cohousing
- Famicos Foundation (Housing) Cleveland
- Housing for All blog (DC)
- National Housing Institute
- Neighborworks America
- Policy Link (Affordable Housing & more)
- Rooflines blog
- Shelterforce Magazine
- Shelter UK
- State of the Market e-letter (David Smith)
- Ten Principles for Developing Affordable Housing
- Urban Homesteading Assistance Board (Co-op dev. NYC)
- Abyssinian Development Corporation (NYC)
- AHC Inc. (VA-MD)
- Community Preservation and Development Corp. (DC)
- Jubilee Housing (DC)
- American Infrastructure Report Card, American Society of Civil Engineers
- America 2050 (Infrastructure)
- American Public Power Association
- American Water Works Association
- Cost-Benefit of Underground Utilities
- Handbook on Urban Infrastructure Finance
- InfrastructureUSA
- Intl. Warehouse Logistics Assn.
- Michael Likosky (NYU)
- Placement of Utility Distribution Lines Underground (Virginia)
- Rethinking 21st Century Govt.: Public-Private Partnerships & the Nat. Infrastructure Bank (NYU report)
- Settlement Pattern & Form w/Service costs analysis
- Water Environment Federation
- The City: Private or Public (Prof. Gerald Frug)
- Restructuring Local Government (Prof. Mildred Warner, Cornell)
- Settlement Pattern & Form w/Service costs analysis (2005)
- Quantifying the costs and benefits of alternative growth scenarios (2013)
- Better Food in Public Parks
- National Park Week
- National Public Gardens Day
- National Public Lands Day
- 10 Steps to Good Urban Planning
- Alliance of National Heritage Areas
- American Public Gardens Association
- America's State Parks
- Best practices in play
- Bryant Park, New York City
- Buckhead Collection Parks Plan (Atlanta)
- California State Parks Operation Partnerships
- State of California State Parks (Sacramento Bee)
- Central Park Conservancy
- Center for City Park Excellence (TPL)
- Central Park, New York City
- City Parks Alliance
- City Parks Blog
- City Revival Planning approach to parks
- Communities in Bloom (Canada)
- Economic Value of Urban Parks
- Garden Conservancy
- GardenWalk Buffalo
- Green Places Magazine (UK)
- GreenSpace (UK)
- High Performance Landscape Guidelines: Parks for the 21st Century (NYC)
- Historic Garden Week in Virginia
- Imagination Playground (NYC)
- Inst. of Parks and Green Space (UK)
- KaBoom (Playgrounds)
- LAND Studio (Cleveland)
- Land Trust Alliance
- Maryland Heritage Areas Program
- Montreal Network of Large Parks
- Nat. Assn. for Olmsted Parks
- National Parks Conservation Association
- National Park Service Planning
- National Recreation & Park Association
- New York City Parks Advocates
- Ontario Garden Tourism Strategey and Readiness
- Park Economic Impact Calculator (Money Generation Model, NPS)
- Park Pride (Atlanta)
- Partnerships for Parks (NYC)
- Play Policy: Best Practices
- Playworks
- Property Values, Recreation Values, and Urban Greenways (paper)
- Places Journal issue on parks
- Project for Public Spaces Parks Program
- Project Greenspace Planning (Atlanta)
- Prospect Park Alliance (Brooklyn>
- State of America's National Parks (report)
- Superkilen Park, Copenhagen
- Trust for Public Land
- Visitor Experience & Resource Protection Framework (NPS)
- World Urban Parks
- George Wright Society (National Parks)
- Adopt A Stream (Iowa)
- Atlas of Ocean Wealth
- Stream Care Guide (Salt Lake County)
- World Rivers Day
- Anacostia Riverkeeper
- Anacostia River Water Trail Guide
- Anacostia Waterfront Initiative (planning documents)
- Anacostia Watershed Society
- Alice Ferguson Foundation (Potomac River)
- Friends of Sligo Creek
- Neighbors of the Northwest Branch (Anacostia)
- Polluted Waters Stain D.C.'s Shining Vision (Post)
- Potomac Conservancy
- Potomac River Fisheries Commission
- Rock Creek Conservancy
- American Assn. of Port Authorities
- American Canal Society
- American Rivers
- American Waterways Operators (barges)
- (Baltimore) Waterfront Partnership
- Blue Economy Strategic Plan, Macomb County, MI
- Boating Economic Impact Calculator
- Boston Harbor Now
- British Waterways (archive)
- Canadian Heritage Rivers System
- Canadian Rivers Institute
- Canal Place Preservation & Dev. Corp. (Cumberland, MD)
- Canal & River Trust (England)
- Center for Texas Beaches and Shores
- Chesapeake Bay Foundation
- City of Water Day (NYC)
- Coastal Management Centre (Mediterranean)
- Economic Impact of Recreation & Tourism
- Elizabeth River Project (VA)
- Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor
- Erie Canalway Trail
- Ferry Boat Discretionary Program (US DOT)
- Great Allegheny Passage (PA)
- Great River Park Master Plan (St. Paul, MN)
- Healthy Waterways Trust (UK)
- Hudson River Maritime Museum
- Inland Waterways Assn. (UK)
- Intl. Coast Cleanup Day
- James River Outdoor Coalition (VA)
- Living Lands & Waters
- Louisville (KY) Waterfront Park
- Mass. Stream Crossings Handbook
- Mass. Urban River Visions Project
- Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance (NY-NJ)
- National Maritime Heritage Foundation (DC)
- National Water Trails System
- National Waterways Conference
- National Waterways Foundation (shipping)
- National Working Waterfront Network
- New York City Waterway Ferry Transit
- New York State Canals
- Ocean Conservancy
- Recreational Marine Research Center
- Rethinking our Rivers (Wausau, WI)
- Richmond (VA) Canal Walk
- Riverlife (Pittsburgh)
- River Star Homes (Eliz. River, VA)
- River & Stream Continuity Project (UMass)
- St. Paul (MN) Riverfront Corporation
- San Antonio (TX) River Walk
- Save the American River Assn. (Sacramento)
- WaterFire Providence (RI)
- Waterkeepers Alliance
- Waterways Council (shipping)
- Welland Recreational Canal (Ontario)
- World Canals Conference
- Build a Better Burb
- Classic Towns (Greater Philadelphia}
- "A County and Its Cities: the Impact of Hennepin Community Works"
- First Suburbs Consortium (OH-revitalization)
- Michigan Suburbs Alliance
- National Center for Suburban Studies (Hofstra University)
- The Next Frontier: Retrofitting Suburban Commercial Strips
- Putting the Urban in Suburban: Art and Business of Placemaking
- "The Quest to Confront Suburban Decline: Political Realities and Lessons"
- Reinventing Suburban Business Districts (ULI)
- Reinventing America's Suburban Strips (ULI)
- Rethinking the Mall (ULI)
- Revitalizing Distressed Older Suburbs
- Revitalizing Suburban Downtown Retail Districts
- Suburban Sprawl: Exposing Hidden Costs, Identifying Innovations
- Bexley WV: the entire city as an arboretum
- Bexley Arboretum
- Blog/Tree Speak (Casey Trees)
- National Tree Benefits Calculator
- Trees for People (one pager, USDA)
- Alliance for Community Trees
- American Forests
- Arbor Day Foundation
- Benefits of Urban Trees (MD DNR)
- Casey Trees (DC)
- Chesapeake Bay Urban Tree Canopy Goals (MD DNR)
- Community Forests International
- Cost-Benefit of Underground Utilities
- DC DDOT Urban Forestry
- Edible Landscaping Nursery
- England's Community Forests
- Flagstaff (AZ) Watershed Protection Project
- Fruit Tree Planting Foundation
- Georgia Model Urban Forest Book
- Guide to Assessing Urban Forests
- Guidelines for Developing and Evaluating Tree Ordinances
- Home Orchard Society
- Human Dimensions of Urban Forestry and Urban Greening (U Washington)
- Influence of Trees and Landscaping on Rental Rates at Office Buildings
- I-Tree: Tools for Community Forests
- Missouri Urban Trees Guide
- New York City's Urban Forests
- New York State Urban Forestry Council
- Northeast Trees (Los Angeles)
- Philadelphia Orchard Project
- Placement of Utility Distribution Lines Underground (Virginia)
- Planning the Urban Forest: Ecology, Economy, and Community Development (Am. Planning Assn.)
- Public Value of Nature: Economics of Urban Trees, Parks and Open Space
- San Diego County Trees
- Street Trees and Intersection Safety
- The Sustainable Urban Forest Guide: A Step-by-Step Approach tr
- Sustaining America’s Urban Trees and Forests
- Trees mean business: a study of the economic impacts in NYC and NJ commercial districts
- 22 benefits of urban street trees (Dan Burden)
- Tree City USA
- Urban & Community Forestry, US Forest Service
- Urban Forest Ecosystems Institute
- Urban Hardwood Recovery (Portland)
- Urban Horticulture Institute (Cornell)
- Urban Orchards Project (Boston)
- Urban Tree Foundation
- Urban Watershed Forestry Manual
- Washington, DC Urban Tree Canopy Goal documents (Casey Trees)
- Watershed Forestry Resource Guide
- Bisnow Real Estate News
- Intl. Council of Shopping Centers
- Journal of Sustainable Real Estate
- The Saint Report
- Urban Land Institute
- Age-Friendly America Database
- Age-Friendly Communities: The Movement to Create Great Places and Grow Up and Grow Old in America
- Aging Power Tools: A curated selection of resources to promote stronger, age-friendly communities
- AARP Livable Communities
- AARP Livable Communities Evaluation Guide
- Be-More Productive Baltimore
- Best Cities for Walking (Prevention Mag.)
- Bicycle Friendly America program (LAB)
- Calgary Centre City Illumination Guidelines
- Close Encounters with Buildings (Jan Gehl)
- Eco Compact City Network
- International Sign Assn.
- Jane's Walk USA
- LUCI: Lighting Urban Communities International (arch. lighting)
- Maine Sensible Transportation Handbook
- Masters degree Regenerative Intermediate Landscapes (Catalonia)
- MyUrbanist, Chuck Wolfe, Seattle
- Neighborhood active/healthy design checklist
- Placemaking Chicago
- Placement of Utility Distribution Lines Underground (Virginia)
- Rebar Art & Design Studio (defunct)
- Removing Freeways - Restoring Cities
- Road to a Thoughtful Street Tree Master Plan
- Shaping healthy active communities toolkit
- Sign Research Foundation
- Smart Transportation Guidebook
- Step by Step Guide to Placemaking (PPS)
- Storefront for Art & Architecture (NYC)
- Streetsblog (NYC)
- 10 Steps to Good Urban Planning
- Traffic in Villages Toolkit (UK)
- Twin Cities Streets for People
- Urban Centers and TOD in Washington State
- Urban Design Compendium, volume 1
- Urban Design Compendium, volume 2: Designing Quality Places Walkable Streets (Dom Nozzi)
- Walk Friendly Communities program
- Walk Friendly Community Assessment Tool
- Parking Day - September 19th, 2009
- How the Automobile Reshaped the City
- Design Guidelines for Pedestrian-Friendly Neighborhood Schools
- Live-Work Building Code (Oakland, CA)
- The Second Coming of the American Small Town (Duany/Plater-Zyberk)
- Smart Growth Illustrated (Case Studies-EPA)
- Urban Design Evaluation Tool & Glossary of Terms
- Where would you like to live? (Quiz)
- Planning guides from Crandall-Arambula
- Community Vision
- Public Involvement
- Design Guidelines
- Pedestrian Friendly Streets
- Public Squares
- Downtown Plans
- Station Area Planning
- Build Out Analysis
- Final Reports
- Implementation
- Hatch: Design Public Blog
- Accessory Dwelling Unit resources
- Affordable Housing Design Advisor
- American Restroom Assn.
- Simon Anholt's Placeblog
- Architecture & Urbanism: Charleston is a Textbook
- Architecture as Crime Control
- Baltimore Psychogeography Association
- Charter for the New Urbanism
- Ciudad Centro de Investigaciones (Ecuador)
- Columbia Pike (Arlington, VA) Form Based Code
- Commission for Architecture & the Built Env. (UK)
- Community Design Center of Pittsburgh (archived)
- Community Design Process Resources
- Congress for the New Urbanism
- Cost-Benefit of Underground Utilities
- Creating Defensible Space
- Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
- Density Calculator -SF League of Conservation Voters
- Design Advocacy Group of Philadelphia
- Design Matters: Best Practices in Affordable Housing
- Design Trust for Public Space (NYC)
- Elements of Urban Design: A Visual Guide (DC Planning)
- Flexible Design for New Jersey's Main Streets
- Forum for Urban Design (NYC)
- Green Space in Urban Areas
- Guerrilla Gardening
- Illegal Signs (anti-billboard), Toronto
- Institute of Classical Architecture & Classical America
- Livable Communities Toolkit
- Living Spaces: Cleaner, Safer, Greener
- Main Street: When a Highway Runs Through It
- Nashville Community Character Manual
- Nashville Urban Design Overlays
- National Civic Art Society
- Neighborhood Traffic Monitoring Toolkit
- Parkway Partners (Greening -- New Orleans)
- Portland (OR) Pedestrian Design Guidelines
- Planning for Healthy Places
- Pride of Place: Fred Kent and the Project for Public Spaces
- Principles of "True Urbanism"
- Project for Public Spaces
- Pugly Awards Toronto
- Rethinking Bollards
- Mayor Joseph Riley, Charleston, SC, speech
- Roadside Vegetation Concept and Planning Manual (DE)
- Scenic America
- Sculpture Foundation
- Settlement Pattern & Form w/Service costs analysis
- Society for College and University Planning
- Spacing Magazine (Toronto)
- Street Reclaiming Guidebook
- Street Trees and Intersection Safety
- Tactical Urbanism Manual, vol. 1
- Tactical Urbanism Manual, vol. 2
- Tactical Urbanists Guide to Materials and Design
- Thrive: A Guide to Storefront Design in the District of Columbia
- Tower Renewal Blog (Toronto)
- Tower Renewal Implementation Book (Toronto)
- Trans-Formation: Recreating Transit-Oriented Neighborhood Centers in DC: Design Handbook
- 21st Century Streetscape
- Universal Design Handbook (NYC)
- Urban Advantage Street Design Imaging
- Urban Golf
- Urban Society of Kansas City
- Walkable Communities
- Walk Arlington (County, VA)
- West Coast New Urbanism Case Studies
- Buff and Blue (Gallaudet)
- DC Gazette archives
- DC Independent Media Center
- The DC Line
- DC Watch
- Diamondback (UMCP Student Newspaper)
- Eagle (Am. U)
- Fauquier Times (VA)
- Grassroots DC
- GW Hatchet
- Hilltop student newspaper (HU)
- Hoya student newspaper (Georgetown)
- News Channel 8 "News Talk with Bruce Depuyt
- Tower student newspaper (CUA)
- Trilogy (UDC student)
- WAMU-FM "Kojo Nnamdi Radio Show"
- WAMU-FM "Metro Connection"
- Alexandria (VA) Times
- Annapolis Capital
- Arlington Now
- Baltimore City Paper
- Baltimore Magazine
- Baltimore Sun
- Bay Weekly (Chesapeake)
- Bethesda Magazine
- Blue Ridge Outdoors
- Bowie Blade-News (MD)
- Calvert County Recorder (MD)
- Carroll County Times (MD)
- Cecil (County) Whig (MD)
- Charles County Independent (MD)
- Charleston (WV) Daily Mail
- Charleston (WV) Gazette
- Charlottesville (VA) Daily Progress
- Chesapeake Bay Journal
- Chesapeake Bay Magazine
- City Desk (Washington City Paper)
- Columbia (MD) Flier
- Common Denominator
- Connection Newspapers (VA)
- Corridor Inc. (MD)
- Culpeper (VA) Star-Exponent
- Cumberland Times-News (MD)
- Current Newspapers (DC) (defunct)
- C-ville (Charlottesville)
- DC Government Cable Television
- DCTV (Public Access Cable)
- Easton (MD) Star Democrat
- El Tiempo Latino
- Express Night Out (M-F free paper)
- Fairfax (VA) Times
- Falls Church News Press (VA)
- Federal Times
- Frederick News-Post (MD)
- Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star (VA)
- Gaithersburg Town Courier
- Garrett County Republican-News (MD)
- Gazette Newspapers (MD) (defunct)
- Greenbelt News Review (MD)
- Hagerstown (MD)Herald & Mail
- Hanover (PA) Evening Sun
- Harrisonburg Daily News Record (VA)
- Howard County Times
- Inside Northern Virginia
- Inter-Mountain (WV)
- Intowner (DC)
- Laurel (MD) Leader
- Leesburg Today
- Loudoun Times-Mirror
- Lynchburg (VA) News & Advance
- Martinsburg (WV) Journal
- Maryland Coast Dispatch
- Maryland Life (travel)
- Newport News (VA) Daily Press
- Norfolk (VA) Virginian-Pilot
- Northern Virginia Daily (Shenandoah)
- Northern Virginia Magazine
- Northwest Courier (DC)
- Prince William Times (VA)
- Provisions Library
- Radio Arlington/WERA-LP
- Radio IQ (Virginia Tech/NPR network)
- Reston Magazine
- Richmond Style Weekly
- Richmond Times-Dispatch
- Roanoke (VA) Times
- St. Mary's County Enterprise (MD)
- St. Mary's County Times (MD)
- Salisbury Daily Times (MD)
- Sentinel (Montgomery-PG Counties)
- Southern Maryland Online
- Southwester (DC)
- Staunton News-Leader (VA)
- Sun-Gazette Weeklies (VA)
- Takoma Radio/WOWD-LP
- Takoma Voice (MD)
- Times Newspapers (Baltimore County)
- Times Newspa
- Urbanite (Baltimore)
- View Newspaper Ellicott City
- View Newspaper Western Howard County
- Washington Afro-American Newspaper
- Washington Business Journal
- Washington Examiner
- Washington Informer
- Washington Post
- Washington Smart CEO
- Washington Technology
- Washington Times
- Washingtonian Magazine
- Waynesboro (PA) Record-Herald
- Winchester Star (VA)
- WPFW-FM Radio
- WTOP Radio News
- York (PA) Daily Record
- York (PA) Dispatch
- DC Population Statistics (1800-2016)
- DC Am. Community Survey Data 2004 (Census)
- "Strategic" Neighborhood Action Plans (c. 2004)
- DC Crime Mapping (Police Database)
- DC Government Website
- DC City Council
- Comprehensive Plan
- Comp Plan--Vision for Growing an Inclusive City
- Comp Plan Vision Papers
- Board of Elections and Ethics
- Great Streets Program
- DC (Neighborhood) Emergency Management Plans
- DC Laws
- DC Main Streets Program
- DC Marketing Center
- DC Municipal Regulations
- DC Office of Planning
- DC Public Library
- DC Register
- DC Service Request Ctr.
- DC Dept. of Transportation
- DDOT Streetscape Enhancements
- Zoning Regulations
- DC Real Estate Trends (Loopnet)
- DC At The Crossroads Report
- Restore the Core Report
- Rivlin Papers on Revitalizing DC Neighborhoods
- 311 Service Center
- Bus Map -- DC
- Capital Bikeshare
- Station Masters maps around subway stations
- Crime in DC (Google mapping)
- DC Demographics/Census Info
- DC Visitor Information Ctr.
- WETA-TV (PBS) Neighborhood "Documentaries"
- Adams-Morgan Main Street
- Anacostia Waterfront Initiative
- Anacostia Watershed Society
- Elvert Barnes-Freedom (Photos too)
- BeyondDC
- Breaking Ground real estate blog (WBJ)
- Calendula & Concrete (Gardening)
- Ctr. for Regional Analysis (George Mason U)
- Ctr. for Washington Area Studies (George Washington U)
- Coalition of Non-profit Housing & Econ. Dev.
- Committee of 100 on the Federal City
- Community Forklift (Building Matls. Recovery & Resale)
- Community Development & Preservation CDC
- Coalition for Smarter Growth
- Cultural Alliance of Greater Washington
- Daquella Manera (in Spanish)
- DC Action for Children
- DC Appleseed Center for Law & Justice
- DC Chamber of Commerce
- DC in Black and White (Photos)
- DCist
- DC Environmental Network
- DC Fiscal Policy Institute
- DC Metrobloggers
- DC Metro Urban (New Development) Diary
- DC Goes to the Movies (website/book)
- DC Primary Health Care Assn.
- DC Urban Gardeners
- DC Vote (Suffrage Campaign)
- DC Watch
- Diverse City Fund
- Downtown DC BID
- Earth Conservation Corps (Anacostia River)
- Empower DC
- Federal City Council - the people who run things
- FORCE - Friends of Rock Creek Environment
- Furcafe (Photos)
- Georgetown Metropolitan
- Georgetown BID
- Golden Triangle BID
- Greater Greater Washington
- Greater Washington Board of Trade
- Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
- Metrorail and Metrobus System
- Mount Vernon Triangle BID
- Nat. Assn. to Restore Pride in the Nation's Capital (NARPAC)
- National Capital Planning Commission
- National Capital Revitalization Corp.
- National Capital Parks - DC Visitor Transportation Study (NPS)
- National Coalition to Save Our [National] Mall
- National Maritime Heritage Foundation (DC rivers)
- Pretty City (graffiti/public art)
- In Shaw
- Sierra Club Metro DC- Challenge to Sprawl
- South Capitol/Frederick Douglass Mall (Promenade)
- JD Land blog/SE-SW DC Development
- Washington Conservation Guild (objects)
- Washington Convention & Tourism Corp.
- Washington Interfaith Network
- Washington Map Society
- Washington Oculus
- Washington Parks & People
- Washington Regional Equity Network
- Washington Smart Growth Alliance
- Blog/Alexandria VA/Parker-Gray Hist. District
- Blog/Gaithersblog
- Blog/Home Stretch (MoCo Planning Dept.)
- Blog/Just Up the Pike (Montgomery Cty.)
- Blog/Silver Spring Singular
- Arlington County CAPTrack Capital Projects Database
- Bethesda Urban Partnership
- Citizens for Catoctin County (VA)
- Gateway Arts District (PG Cty, MD)
- Maryland National Capital Parks & Planning Commission
- Maryland Politics
- Montgomery Countryside Alliance (MD)
- Neighbors for a Better Montgomery (MD)
- Neighbors of the Northwest Branch (Anacostia)
- Shenandoah Valley Network (VA)
- Silver Spring Business District
- Southern Environmental Law Center
- Urban Richmond
- Virginia Dept. of Housing & Community Dev.
- Virginia Land Use & Transportation Issues (Ed Risse/Bacon's Rebellion)
- Baltimore City's Future
- Baltimore Comprehensive Plan
- baltimore Grows
- Baltimore Innerspace
- Baltimore Main Streets
- Bosconet (Paul Johnson)
- Central Maryland Transportation Alliance
- Citizens Planning and Housing Association (Baltimore)
- Environment Maryland
- Envision Baltimore
- Maryland Public Interest Res. Group
- 1000 Friends of Maryland
- Greener Baltimore
- Preservation Maryland
- Progressive Maryland
- Reality Check Plus/Imagine Maryland
- Blog/Frozen Tropics
- Blog/Life in Mt. Vernon Square
- Blog/Penn Quarter Living
- Blog/PSA 102
- Blog/SW DC
- Blog/Quest for Quiet (anti-noise)
- ANC 6A
- ANC 6B
- ANC 6C
- Architect of the U.S. Capitol
- Atlas District (Ugh)
- Atlas Performing Arts Center
- Barracks Row Main Street
- Barracks Row Streetscape Case Study
- Bicycling/Metropolitan Branch Trail
- Capitol Hill Arts Workshop
- Capitol Hill BID
- Capitol Hill Community Foundation
- Capitol Hill History (Overbeck) Project
- Capitol Hill Merchants Association
- Capitol Hill Restoration Society
- Capitol Hill Village (aging support)
- Capitol Riverfront BID
- Connect Barracks Row (UMD Student report)
- Deaf Culture
- Deaf DC
- Eastern Market (DC)
- Eastern Market Flea Market (DC)
- E-cruzers shuttle service
- Friends of the Old Naval Hospital (preservation)
- Gallaudet University
- Hill Rag/DC North
- Hillscape column (archive, no longer published)
- Hill Talk Web Forum
- Historic Congressional Cemetery
- H Street NE: Tools for Preserving Neighborhood Character (UMD Student project)
- H Street Festival
- H Street Neighborhood Social and Cultural History
- H Street Main Street
- H Street Playhouse
- H Street Strategic Development Plan
- H Street Neighborhood "Action" Plan
- H Street Transportation Study
- Library of Congress
- Linden Neighborhood Assn.
- Mount Vernon Triangle BID
- Northeast Neighbors for Responsible Growth
- North of Massachusetts (NoMA) Business District
- NoMa Business Improvement District
- Stanton Park Neighborhood Assn.
- Union Station
- U.S. Capitol Historical Society
- U.S. Capitol Visitors Center
- U.S. National Arboretum (USDA)
- Voice of the Hill community newspaper
- Washington Nationals Baseball Team
Ward 5 Links
- Councilmember Harry Thomas
- Blog/Bloomingdale
- Blog/Eckington
- Blog/Frozen Tropics/Trinidad
- Blog/Stop Blog & Roll (Woodridge)
- Neighborhood Plans
- Brookland, Brentwood, Langdon
- Edgewood, Bloomingdale, Truxton Circle, Eckington
- Ivy City, Arboretum, Trinidad, Carver Langston
- Woodridge, Fort Lincoln, Gateway
- ANC 5A
- ANC 5C
- U.S. National Arboretum (USDA)
- Armed Forces Retirement Home
- Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
- Catholic University of America
- CUA Events Calendar
- Dance Place
- DC North community newspaper
- DCTV (Public Access Cable)
- Deaf Culture
- Deaf DC
- Fort Bunker Hill National Park
- Franciscan Monastery
- Gallaudet University
- Greater Brookland Garden Club
- Hartke Theater (CUA)
- Neighbors of the Northwest Branch (Anacostia)
- North Capitol Main Street
- North Michigan Park Civic Assn.
- North of Massachusetts (NoMA) Business District
- Pope John Paul II Cultural Center
- President Lincoln-Soldiers' Home Nat. Monument
- Providence Hospital
- Trinidad-Ivy City Garden Club
- Trinity University
- Trinity U President's Blog
- Truxton Circle
- Washington Hospital Center
- Blog/Anacostia Now
- Anacostia Community Museum (Smithsonian)
- Anacostia Hours project
- Anacostia Transit Area Strategic Investment Plan
- Anacostia Waterfront
- Anacostia Waterfront Initiative (planning documents)
- East of the River Community Newspaper
- East of the River Initiative (OP)
- Gazette Newspapers (nw defunctow defunct)
- Hyattsville Reporter
- Anacostia Trails Heritage Area
- Gateway Arts District (PG Cty, MD)
- Gateway CDC
- Hyattsville: A Creative Impulse (Post story)
- Hyattsville (MD) Wiki
- Neighbors of the Northwest Branch (Anacostia)
- Port Towns CDC
- PG County Historical Society
- Prince George's County MD Bus System
- PG County Planning Department
- Prince George's Urbanist blog
- Rethink College Park
- Riverdale Park Wiki
- Route 1 Growth
- University of Maryland
- Car Free Day Metro DC
- DC Pedesstrian Diaries
- DC Region Commuting Calculator
- Station Masters maps around subway stations
- What to Do in an Emergency on the Subway
- DC State Transportation Profile
- Development-Related Ridership Survey (WMATA)
- The Infuriating History of How Metro Got So Bad (Washingtonian)
- National Park Service DC Transportation Study
- Northeast Corridor Rail Future (FRA)
- Transit in Washington, D.C.: Current Benefits and Optimal Level of Provision
- Union Station (DC) Master Plan
- Washington Metro at 30 (WAMU radio)
- Washington's Metro: Deficits by Design (Brookings report)
- Regional Transit Systems
- Area bus system links (Arlington County Commuter Page)
- Bus Map -- DC
- Bus Map -- Maryland
- Bus Map -- Virginia
- Corridor Transit (some service between College Park & Laurel, MD)
- Downtown Circulator (DC)
- Georgetown (DC) Metro Connection (Bus Shuttle)
- Howard County Transit (MD)
- Link (Reston VA Transit)
- Maryland Mass Transit Admin. & MARC Commuter Rail
- Metrobus & Metrorail (Washington, DC region)
- Montgomery County Maryland -- Ride On Transit
- Potomac & Rappahannock Transportation Commission
- Prince George's County MD Bus System
- Rabbit Transit (York, PA)
- Red Rose Transit Authority (Lancaster, PA)
- Slug Lines (Car Pooling, VA)
- TransIT System of Frederick County (MD)
- Transportation Assn. of Maryland
- Van Pooling (VPSI)
- Virginia Railway Express
- CommuterPageBlog (VA)
- Blog/DC Paratransit
- Blog/Finish the Capital Crescent Trail
- Blog/Get There (Washington Post)
- Blog/Make it Better (Reston Limo)
- Blog/TDM Professional (DC regional chapter)
- Blog/Virginia Intelligent Trans. Sys.
- Blog/WashCycle (Biking)
- Michael Dresser, Getting There (Balt. Sun)
- DC Rider column, Express
- Robert Thomson, Dr. Gridlock (Wash. Post)
- Action Committee for Transit (Montgomery County, MD)
- Alexandria Rideshare (mobility)
- Anacostia Riverwalk Study (DC Bike-Walking Trail)
- Arlington Coalition for Sensible Transportation
- Arlington County Commuter Page
- Baltimore Red Line Light Rail (City)
- Baltimore Regional Transportation Board
- Baltimore Region Rail Transit Plan
- Baltimore Transit History
- Baltimore-Washington International Airport
- Baltimore-Washington Maglev Project
- B&O Railroad Museum
- Bike Delaware
- Bike Maryland
- Business Alliance for Northeast Mobility
- Car2Go car sharing
- Central Maryland Transportation Alliance
- Charles Street Trolley Initiative (Baltimore)
- Coalition to Build the Inner Purple Line
- Corridor Cities Transitway (MD)
- DC Bicycle Advisory Committee Blog
- DC Night Riders (Bus) Coalition
- DC Trolley Photos (Dave's Railpix)
- Dr. Gridlock Column (Post)
- Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project
- Maryland Dept. of Transportation
- Fairfax Advocates for Better Bicycling
- Mayoral Task Force on Transit-Oriented Development (DC)
- Metrobus and Metrorail (Washington DC Region)
- Metropolitan Council of Govts./Transportation Section
- Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority
- Metro Riders Advocacy Group(DC region)
- National Capital Parks - DC Visitor Transportation Study (NPS)
- National Capital Trolley Museum
- Northern Virginia Streetcar Coalition
- Northern Virginia Transportation Commission
- PA Public Transportation Assn.
- Pipeshaft (WMATA Subway Infrastructure)
- Potomac & Rappahannock Transportation Commission
- Prince George's Advocates for Community-based Transit
- Purple Line Subway Proposal (Sierra Club)
- Rail Solution (I-81 Corridor/VA)
- Richmond Rail Transit Feasibility Study
- Roads to the Future (Area Freeway History Site)
- Save our Communities (anti-ICC)
- Southeast High Speed Rail Corridor
- Sierra Club Metro DC- Challenge to Sprawl
- Streetcars 4 DC
- Subway Nut (transit photos)
- Trans Dominion Express railroad proposal
- Trans-Formation: Recreating Transit-Oriented Neighborhood Centers in DC: Design Handbook
- Transit Riders Action Coalition of Baltimore
- Tysons Tunnel Advocates
- Virginia Assn. of Railway Patrons
- Virginia Bicycle Federation,/li>
- Virginia Dept. of Rail & Pub. Transportation
- Virginia State Rail Plan
- Virginia Transit Assn.
- Virginia Transportation Conference
- Virginians for High Speed Rail
- Washington Area Bicyclist Association
- WABA Blog
- Washington Suburban Transit Commission
- West Virginia Transportation Alliance
- Wilmington Area Planning Council (DE/MD)
- Zipcar Carsharing
- Alliance for Biking and Walking
- All-Party Parliamentary Cycling Group (UK)
- Alta Planning & Design
- Bakfiets en Meer (Dutch Cargo Bikes) blog
- Bicycle Friendly Communities program (LAB)
- Bicycle Rental--Consolidated site (US & Canada)
- Bikes Belong Coalition
- Celebrities on Bikes
- Cycling Embassy of Great Britain
- Cyclelogistics (Europe/delivery)
- Elements of a Bicycle-Friendly Community
- European Cycling Federation
- Get Britain Cycling (report)
- Google Maps Bike There
- Green Lane Project
- Guardian Newspaper Bike Blog
- Momentum Magazine
- One Street - advocacy support
- Pistes Cyclables Quebec (bicycle paths)
- Practical Cyclist
- Urban Velo Magazine
- WashCycle (Biking)
- Baltimore Spokes
- BaltimoreVelo
- BikeUMD (U of Maryland)
- Biking Circle Blog
- Bike and Roll--Bike Rental in DC
- Bicycle Boulevards, Berkeley, CA
- Bicycling/Metropolitan Branch Trail
- Bike Arlington (County)
- Bike Town (Bicycling Mag.)
- DC Bicycle Programs
- Design Guidelines for Greenways
- Mount Rainier Bike Co-op
- Washington Area Bicyclist Association
- Active Transportation Alliance (Chicago)
- Adventure Cycling Assn.
- Alternative Needs Transportation Bikes
- Better Bikeways Signage Project
- Bicitekas (Mexico)
- Bicycle Benefits
- Bicycling Information
- Bicycle Racks for Buses
- Bike Collective Network
- Bike Commute Tips
- Bike Commuters Blog
- Bike Portland (Oregon)
- Bike Sharing Blog
- Bikestation
- Biketown Project (Bicycling Magazine)
- Bixi bicycle sharing
- Brompton Bicycle (folding)
- Cargo Cycling
- Copenhagen Bike Culture
- Copenhagen Cycle Chic
- Cyclescheme (UK)
- Cycling England
- De Fietsfabriek (Dutch city bikes)
- Henry Workcycles (Dutch cargo bikes)
- Kidical Mass
- La Petite Reine Heavy Duty Cargo Bicycles
- League of American Bicyclists
- London Cycling Campaign (UK)
- Looking Sharp! A Visual Language for Cyclists
- Making Cycling Irresistible: Lessons from The Netherlands, Denmark and Germany
- National Trails Day
- New York Bike Share Project
- OYBike (London)
- Parkiteer Metropolitan Bicycle Parking Network (Melbourne)
- Parks and Trails New York
- Pedestrian & Bicycle Info Center
- Portland's Bicycle Brilliance (article)
- Rails to Trails Conservancy,/li>
- SF Bicycle Coalition
- Sport Works bicycle racks
- Transport for London Cycling Page
- Tricycle Web
- Urbikes Bicycle Sharing
- Velib (Paris)
- Zot Wheels (bicycle sharing, UCI)
- BYD (electric buses)
- Electric Auto Assn.
- Electric Drive Transpo. Assn.
- Light Electric Vehicle Assn.
- Oregon Electric Vehicles Assn.
- Plug In America
- Plug In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Research Ctr. (UC)
- Hoboken (NJ) Corner Cars program
- Onsite Parking: The Scourge of America's Commercial Districts
- Parking and Curb Space Management Element (ArCo, VA)
- People, Parking, and Cities
- Reinventing Parking blog
- Right Size Parking Project (King County, WA)
- Busbud bus booking engine
- Wanderu bus/train booking
- CoachUSA/Megabus
- GoTo Bus (Chinatown bus booking)
- Greyhound
- Trailways
- American Buses Association
- American Intercity Bus Riders Association
- Bus History Association
- Curbside Intercity Bus Industry: Research of Transportation Policy Opportunities and Challenges
- Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
- Intercity bus research (DePaul/Chaddick Institute)
- Motorcoach Marketing Council
- United Motorcoach Association
- Links (from Railway Age)
- Amtrak
- Amtrak Discounts & Promotions
- Bring Back The Streetcars (report)
- Dave's Railpix
- Rail Passengers Association
- Alstom Transport Systems
- Alstom in-ground power systems
- American Rails
- American Short Line & Regional Railroad Association
- Amtrak California
- Amtrak Cascades
- Amtrak Northeast Corridor
- Amtrak Virginia,/li>
- AnsaldoBreda (Italy)
- Bombardier Transportation
- Federal Railroad Administration (US DOT)
- Finmeccanica
- Gomaco Trolley Manufacturing
- Go Rail (Freight Railroad Advocacy)
- Hyundai Rotem (Korea)
- Inekon Rail Systems
- America 2050: Where High Speed Rail Works Best
- Kawasaki Rail Car USA
- Light Rail Now!
- Market Street Railway/SF
- McKinney Ave. Transit Authority/Dallas
- Midwest High Speed Rail Association
- Monorail Society
- Nat. Assn. of Timetable Collectors (railroad history)
- National Corridors Initiative (Rail)
- National Railway Historical Society am
- Northeast Corridor Future Planning (FRA)
- Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority (Amtrak Downeaster)
- On Track America (railroad advocacy)
- Portland Streetcar
- Portland Streetcar article
- Progress Rail Locomotives
- Rail(road) Pictures
- Railroad Station Historical Society
- Railroad-Transit Passenger Associations
- Rail-Volution Conference
- Railway & Locomotive Historical Society
- San Francisco Transit History
- Seat 61 (World Railroads)
- Skoda Transport Technology
- Stadler Rail Systems (Switzerland)
- Society of Intl. Railway Travelers
- States for Passenger Rail Coalition
- Subways & Light Rail Around the World
- Vintage Trolley Systems
- Urban
- US High Speed Rail Association
- Analysis of Taxicab Deregulation and Re-regulation
- DC Taxifare Calculator
- Impact of Taxicab Deregulation in the US
- Making Taxi Service Work in San Francisco
- National Alliance for Taxicab Justice
- Taxi Industry Regulation, Deregulation, and Reregulation: The Paradox of Market Failure
- Taxi Library
- Taxicab, Limousine and Paratransit Association
- National inter-city bus-Amtrak map (AIBRA)
- Free Fare Public Transport
- Geography of Transport Systems
- Innovative Mobility Research (UC Berkeley
- Innovative Technologies
- National Household Travel Survey (US)
- National Transportation Libraries (US)
- National Transportation Libraries Research/Search
- America 2050 (Infrastructure)
- Blog/Transport Information Group
- Community Impact Assessments (transit)
- European Platform on Mobility Management
- Maine Sensible Transportation Handbook
- New York State Metropolitan commuter transportation mobility tax
- Oregon Mass Transit District Payroll/Excise Tax
- Perils for Pedestrians TV Show
- San Diego Trip Generation Manual
- San Francisco Transit First Policy/Law
- Seattle Bridging the Gap bond initiative
- Seattle Transportation Benefit District
- Shared Use Mobility Center
- Smart Transportation Guidebook
- State DOT Google Search Engine
- Steamship Historical Society of America
- Traffic Impact of Highway Capacity Reductions: Assessment of the Evidence
- Twenty's Plenty for Us (motor vehicle speed reduction, UK)
- Building a Better Gas Tax: How to Fix One of State Government's Least Sustainable Revenue Sources
- National Surface Transportation and Revenue Study Commission
- Journal of Public Transportation
- Journal of World Transport Policy & Practice
- Streetcar History Overview
- Street Reclaiming
- Mary Wisniewski, Getting Around, Chicago Tribune
- Bus Chick, Seattle
- NY1 News Transit Beat
- Pedestrian Observations (Alon Levy)
- Transport Politic
- Transportation Nation
- Transportationist
- Bake Sale of Bile (Austin, TX)
- Beltline Partnership (Atlanta)
- Best Environmentally Sound Transportation (Vancouver, BC)
- Bus Riders Union (LA)
- Campaign for Better Transit (Chicago)
- Chicago Bus (not CTA)
- Citizens Campaign to Fix the Expo Line (Los Angeles)
- Citizens for Modern Transit (St. Louis)
- Citizens for Progressive Transit (Atlanta)
- Code Red TO(ronto)
- Corridor Watch (Texas)
- Feet First (Seattle)
- Keep Pittsburgh Moving (transit funding)
- Keep San Diego Moving (Transnet)
- London Tranport Users Committee/TravelWatch (UK)
- Mode Shift (Michigan-Midwest)
- Move San Diego
- Newton (MA) Streets and Sidewalks
- New York City Street Renaissance Project
- New Yorkers for Safe Transit
- Overhead Wire streetcar blog
- Park(ing) Day
- Permanent Citizens Advisory Committee (NY Region)
- Pittsburgh Transit (blog)
- Portland (OR) Transport (advocacy)
- Public Transport Users Association (Victoria, Australia)
- Starkville in Motion (MS)
- Straphangers Campaign (NYC)
- Streets for People Brochure
- Streets for People (Radnor, PA)
- Toronto Coalition for Active Transportation
- Trailnet (St. Louis)
- Transportation Choices Coalition (WA)
- Transit Forum (Toronto)
- Transit Miami
- Transportation Alternatives -- NYC
- Transportation Riders United (Detroit)
- Transit Coalition (Southern Cal.)
- Transit Center (NY-area transit commuting promotion)
- Transit Rider (West Coast)
- Transit Toronto (Advocacy)
- TTC Riders (Toronto)
- Walk Boston
- Walk San Diego
- Bus Transit Equipment
- ABC Companies (sells Van Hool buses)
- Alexander Dennis bus
- Bicycle Racks for Buses
- Brandon Industries (street signs)
- BYD (electric buses)
- DesignLine
- East Lancashire Coachbuilders (UK)
- Gillig Buses
- New Flyer buses
- Nova Bus
- Parvus RiderNet Wi-fi
- Proterra Buses
- Special Lite Products (signs, lighting)
- Trolleybus resources
- Van Hool Buses
- Wrightbus Ltd. (double deck buses, UK)
- Transit System Operation
- First Transit
- MV Transportation
- Veolia Transport
- Transit-Mobility Planning
- CHK America (maps/info systems)
- Nelson-Nygaard
- Roads & Parking
- Am. Assn. of State Highway & Transportation Officials
- Andy's Highway Kickoff Page (road resources)
- Federal Highway Administration (U.S.)
- Historic Roads
- Intl. Bridge, Tunnel & Turnpike Assn.
- Donald Knuth Road Signs
- Parking Today blog
- Park it Here blog (Robotic Parking Systems)
- Roadside Vegetation Concept and Planning Manual (DE)
- Scenic Byways Program (U.S.)
- James Teresco's Road Signs
- Walk Friendly Communities program
- Walk Friend Communities Assessment Tool
- General
- From here to there: creative guide for transit marketing
- Modern Trolley Station Design Guide (SEPTA)
- Transit Waiting Environments
- Am. Assn. of State Highway & Transportation Officials
- American Highway Users Alliance
- Am. Public Transportation Assn.
- American Trucking Assns.
- Assn. for Commuter Transportation
- Bike Walk Move (Minneapolis)
- Bus Rapid Transit Planning Guide
- Campaign for Better Transport (UK)
- Canadian Public Transportation Discussion Board
- Canadian Urban Transit Assn.
- The Car and the City (Alan Durning)
- Carbusters Magazine
- Carfree (book-website)
- Car Sharing Network
- Blog/CarSharing.US (Marketing)
- Center for Transportation Excellence
- Cities for Mobility
- City of Chicago Pedestrian Programs
- Community Transportation Assn. of America
- Complete the Streets
- Context Sensitive Solutions (Transit Best Practices)
- Env. Justice & Transportation Handbook
- European Urban Transport (EurActiv)
- E-ZPass Interagency Group (tolls)
- Federal Transit Administration (US DOT)
- House Ctte. on Transportation & Infrastructure (Dem.)
- House Ctte. on Transportation & Infrastructure (Rep.)
- I-81 Challenge (NY State)
- Improving Philly Transit (from Philly City Paper)
- Inst. for Transportation and Dev. Policy
- Intl. Assn. of Public Transport
- Intl. Assn. of Transportation Regulators
- Less Traffic
- Living Streets (UK)
- Managing Travel for Planned Special Events Handbook
- Mayoral Task Force on Transit-Oriented Development (DC)
- Metrans Transportation Research Ctr. (LA)
- Moving Beyond Congestion (Chicago)
- Motor Bus Society (History)
- Moving the Economy (Canada)
- Nat. Assn. of City Transportation Officials
- Nat. Ctr. for Senior Transportation
- National Rural Transportation Assistance Program
- Neighborhood Traffic Monitoring Toolkit
- NJ Future in Transportation
- Pedestrian Level of Service Study (NYC)
- Permanent Campaigns Consulting
- Petrol Maps of Europe
- Public Transit Reports
- Public Transportation Partnership for Tomorrow
- Reinventing Transport (blog)
- Road Map Collectors Association
- Roadside Vegetation Concept and Planning Manual (DE)
- Road Witch Trial (UK)
- Rural
- Senate Committee on Commerce, Sci. & Transportation
- Shared Space: A New Vision for Public Spaces
- Smart Trips (Whatcom County, WA)
- Surface Transportation Policy Partnershipcar
- Sustainable Urban Transport Project
- Sustrans (UK, advocacy)
- Terrorism, Transit, & Safety: Evaluating Risk
- Toll Road News
- Traffic Calming Handbook (PA)
- Traffic Calming Manual (Tempe, AZ)
- Transport Action Canada
- Transport for London
- Transport 2000 - Nat. Envir. Transport Body (UK)
- Transportation Assn. of Canada
- Transportation Choices (Washington State)
- Transportation Research Board (Nat. Academy of Sciences)
- Transportation Trades Dept/AFL-CIO
- Travel & Tech Report (IGLU Cruises)
- TravelSmart Australia
- TravelSmart Victoria
- Tri-State Transportation Campaign (NY/NJ/CT)
- U. of California Transportation Ctr.
- Victoria Transport Policy Institute
- Walkable Communities
- Walking Information
- World Carfree Network
- World Carshare Consortium
- York Region Transit/BRT (Ontario)
- Gondolas and aerial trams
- Gondola Project
- Gondola Society of America
- Lift blog
- Simon Anholt's Placeblog
- Brand USA
- Center for Public Diplomacy Blog
- Community Tourism Assessment Handbook
- Community Tourism Planning Guide (Nova Scotia)
- Cultural Heritage Tourism
- Economics of Uniqueness: Investing in Historic City Cores and Cultural Heritage Assets for Sustainable Development (World Bank)
- Experience Nova Scotia Toolkit
- Heritage Tourism website
- Hostel Handbook
- Intl. Centre for Responsible Tourism
- Journal of Tourism Consumption and Practice
- National Extension Tourism Design Team
- New Jersey Heritage Tourism Master Plan
- Tourism Business Development Toolbox
- Tourism Planning Toolkit (NZ)
- Tourism Destination Assessment Workbook
- Tourism Development Guides (Nova Scotia)
- Travel & Tech Report (IGLU Cruises)
- USC Center for Public Diplomacy
- Blog/Retratos De Viagens (Portuguese)
- Blog/Viajes (Spanish)
- Blog/Zirma - Travel, Comm., Soc. Sci, & Mobilities
- Coalition for Citizen Diplomacy
- Alberta Tourism
- Academy for Cultural Diplomacy
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