Walk and be active at home every day, not on your vacation

You can vacation in Savannah and walk while you're there, or you can live within a couple miles of DC's core, or subway stops, or within a 5-7 mile bicycling distance, and exercise every day, without having to devote special time to exercise.
More writing in the Post that appears to be quite simplistic comes in this article in the Health section, "On Vacation? Lose A Little Something," about walking and such when you travel.
If you want to be healthy on a daily basis and keep your weight down, you have to exercise. It isn't enough to just eat more healthfully.
So you have to organize your life so that movement is something you have to do as a matter of course, such as walk about a mile to/from the subway for work, or bicycling as your primary mobility mode, etc.
If you organize your life around driving, walking or bicycling on vacation doesn't mean very much.
I suppose this is another illustration of the urban principle that I am calling "complete places."
Labels: car culture and automobility, public health, urban design/placemaking
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