Mount Rainier Better Block Project this Saturday

I've written a couple times already about the Mount Rainier, Maryland Better Block initiative, which is based on a community self-help project that was pioneered in Dallas. It's this Saturday.
Mount Rainier is just over the DC border up Rhode Island Avenue, and abuts Ward 5 in DC. It has a variety of housing stock--garden apartments, and mostly bungalows and four square type housing from 1900-1920. There is a bit of commercial district on Rhode Island Avenue as well as 34th Street. On 34th Street, the commercial district is anchored by the Glut Food Co-op. On an abutting street is Joe's Movement Emporium, which is one of the assets of the Gateway Arts District initiative that works to use arts related activities as a revitalization augur in a number of communities along Rte. 1 in Prince George's County, Maryland.
From email:
Arts District Community Revitalizing its Main Street Through The Better Block Project
Viral Neighborhood Improvement Festival Blossoms Inside the Beltway
Neighborhood Design Center in partnership with The City of Mount Rainier, Gateway CDC, Mount Rainier Business Association, Prince George’s County, Joe’s Movement Emporium, Community Forklift, and Scrap DC.
The Better Block Project is a revitalization “tool” designed to enliven local neighborhoods and stimulate economic activity. For one day, local residents, artists, business owners and activists, will get together and practice “do-it-yourself revitalization” transforming 34th Street, Mount Rainier into their version of the ideal main street. Community Forklift and SCRAP DC, two organizations in the Washington, DC metro area that recycle and reuse building materials, have also joined the effort. Created by residents of Oak Cliff, a neighborhood in Dallas, TX, the idea has spread to several other cities including, Memphis, TN, Boston, MA, and New York.
34th Street, Mount Rainier, MD; starting at the circle on 34th and Rhode Island and continuing just beyond Bunker Hill Road
April 9th, noon to 6 pm; rain date April 10th.
• Artist/business partnerships: artists will be matched with business owners, create plans to improve business facades, create signage and artistic displays showcasing their wares.
• Pop up businesses: vacant properties will temporarily house art galleries, cafes and small businesses, enabling property owners to creatively open their doors to potential tenants.
• Performances: Dance and music performances on the main stage along with street performers along 34th Street.
Labels: civic engagement, neighborhood change, neighborhood planning, participatory democracy and empowered participation, urban design/placemaking, urban revitalization
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