Meeting tonite + Mayor Gray to Attend March 22 Community Meeting on Reservation 13

Reservation 13 Master Plan diagram.
I have written about the folly of discussions with the Washington Redskins about relocating their practice facility to the Reservation 13 redevelopment area next to the Anacostia River, Capitol Hill, and the RFK Stadium complex here:
-- Unstrategy for economic development in DC
-- Update: Bring Back the Oklahoma Avenue Metro Station (but at Benning Road)
-- Alternative viewpoint from Councilmember Jack Evans, as rendered by the City Paper in this piece, "Jack Evans to Redskins Haters: Chillax"
From email:
In December, 12 ANC commissioners invited Mayor Gray to participate in a community meeting to discuss stalled development plans at Reservation 13. The site’s master plan, approved by the DC Council in 2002, envisioned a mixed-use residential, retail and office development that extended neighborhood streets to the Anacostia River.
Recently, Mayor Gray has stated his desire to build a training facility for the Washington Redskins at Reservation 13 and/or the RFK parking lots.
At the March 22 meeting, the Mayor is expected to discuss the proposed facility and his vision for developing the area. ANC commissioners are interested in how a training facility would fit into the community-supported master development plan.
Here are the meeting details:
The Future of Reservation 13
Thursday, March 22, 2012
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
DC Armory
2001 East Capitol Street SE
(id required for entrance)
Informational meeting
In addition to the March 26 meeting with the Mayor, interested residents can learn more about Reservation 13 and the master plan at an informational meeting organized by the ANC Commissioners.
The 12 ANC commissioners, representing Single Member Districts in both Wards 6 & 7, are: Nick Alberti (6A05), Francis Campbell (6B10), Sheila Carson-Carr (7A01), Jared Critchfield (6B06), Brian Flahaven (6B09), David Holmes (6A03), Neil Glick (6B08), Carol Green (6B07), Villareal Johnson (7A07), Brian Pate (6B05), Lia Veenendaal-Selck (6A08) and Lisa White (7D01).
Labels: building a local economy, economic development, electoral politics and influence, public finance and spending, sports and economic development, urban revitalization
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