Live here because you don't need to own a car: NOT!
This building, 3Tree Flats on the 3900 block of Georgia Aveue (and across the street from a Safeway supermarket that is going to be redeveloped into a much nicer facility), is 1.5 blocks from the Georgia Avenue-Petworth Metro Station. I'd be promoting living there because it's at the heart of a revitalizing commercial district, and is 1.5 blocks from the subway (plus there is frequent bus service to downtown and other neighborhoods, not just on Georgia Avenue, but via New Hampshire Avenue), which means that you don't need to own a car to get around efficiently.
What do they promote on the banner for the building? That there is a parking garage.
Admittedly, the website does a better job of selling the location than the banner.
Labels: car culture and automobility, housing choice, housing market, parking and curbside management, urban design/placemaking
We buy any car is the offer of trade my motor company.
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