New Year's Post #2: DC area top transportation stories of 2014
Every year the Post's Dr. Gridlock, Robert Thomson, has a column ("Top 10 traffic, transit stories of 2014 in the D.C. region") on the top transportation stories of the year. Here is his list:
- 95 Express Lanes open
- Silver Line starts
- Streetcar dumped [in Arlington]
- ICC finished
- Metro fare [increases]
- DC willingness to close part of I-395 to facilitate a construction project
- Rebuilding of the Route 50 interchange with Courthouse Road and 10th Street in Arlington County
- expansion of bike lanes in DC
- construction on the expansion of the Georgia Avenue and Randolph Road interchange in Montgomery County
- continued problems with the Silver Spring Transit Center
I had begun preparing such a piece, but was sick much of the month of December, and mislaid the notes. (Note also that Dug Begley, transportation columnist for the Houston Chronicle, has a particularly good sum up piece of transpo issues in Houston, "Fifteen transportation things to watch in 2015," which is a model for such writing.)
Mike Neibauer from Washington Business Journal also has his contribution ("in Review 2014: The Silver Line is our top local story of the year").
Here's my list, but after a certain point, the ordering is pretty subjective: This one from 2009 is pretty good, "29 of the DC region's top transportation stories of the decade."
1. The Silver Line opening in Fairfax County. This is important not so much in terms of eventually providing subway access to Dulles International Airport, but in enabling Fairfax County particularly to repattern and intensify land use along more "urban" lines. Reston is already a strong competitor to other major activity centers-submarkets in the metropolitan area and this will only intensify with subway access.

Silver Line heavy rail, WMATA, line alignment and routing map. Washington Post graphic.
The Silver Line extension is particularly damaging to Arlington County, because it provides Metrorail access to a great number of office buildings priced more cheaply than comparable space in Arlington.
Sure the buildings are farther out, but with Metrorail access that becomes less of an issue. This will also lead to more federal offices locating further from the core outward in the metropolitan area attracted by lower prices and Metrorail access, adding to sprawl even as certain other trends have favored centralization ("Companies Say Goodbye to the 'Burbs," Wall Street Journal).
In the short run, ridership increases haven't been particularly significant, and it is unclear how many riders have merely been diverted from the Orange Line. Biggest use has been at the Wiehle Station, the end station of the first phase, and weekend use of the station serving the Tysons shopping centers.
2. Arlington County drops plans to introduce streetcars. This is significant for many reasons (I have a separate piece in preparation on Arlington and its economic future). The biggest is in how it leads to a crisis of confidence for the County and calls in question its identity and definition as one of the nation's leading jurisdictions committed to smart growth.

What's happened is that residents in North Arlington, already enjoying great transit access are balking at paying more money to improve transit access elsewhere in the county, failing to recognize that to maintain the county's identity as a smart growth-transit focused community, they must continue to strengthen and extend transit and land use planning actions that enhance walkability and intensity and activity.

As demand for office space in the region declines (organizations merge, more people telework, organizations reduce the square feet per worker), and as more submarkets/activity centers become more competitive and seek to recruit the same potential residents and businesses, Arlington County can't backslide, instead it has to up its game just to remain in the same place on the same playing field as other jurisdictions.
As alluded to in the previous point about the Silver Line, other jurisdictions are upping their game as evidenced by the redevelopment of the White Flint district in Montgomery County, Alexandria's poaching of the National Science Foundation (abetted by Congressional unwillingness to authorize higher lease rates for federal agency office space), and the continued addition of population and improvement of neighborhoods in DC.
By ceasing planning on the streetcar, Arlington County takes a big step backwards towards the future, reminding me of DC more than a jurisdiction nationally renowned for its robust land use and transportation planning.
3. The election of Larry Hogan as Governor of Maryland and his campaign planks to drop light rail plans for Suburban Maryland (Purple Line) and Baltimore City and County (Red Line). The relative success of Maryland's suburban counties in the DC metropolitan area comes from access to Metrorail. The relative decline of Baltimore comes from its lack of a well defined and expansive transit network (I am preparing a separate piece on this particular topic).

Purple Line map. Washington Post graphic.
The election of a Republican as Governor of Maryland was unexpected and caught the transit community by surprise. While exurban Maryland resents the urban sections of the state, the reality is that Rural Maryland is dependent on state funds derived from Montgomery County taxpayers. And much of the economic success of Montgomery and Prince George's Counties has a lot to do with transit access.
Governor-Elect Hogan has to realize that hopes for reelection (it's funny to think that far in advance when he hasn't even been inaugurated) are dependent on not "disrespecting" those counties--Montgomery and PG Counties are the two most populous counties in the state--and their economic and mobility priorities.
Depending on who Governor-Elect Hogan appoints to be Transportation Secretary, he could in fact drop light rail plans, not unlike Arlington, although the costs would be great. However, some of the potential candidates for the Secretary position are in fact pro-transit, not unlike how Republicans in Utah support transit or former Mayor of Charlotte, now Governor of North Carolina Pat McCrory is a transit proponent (although he's backslided as Governor).
In any case expect at least a one year delay in the Purple Line planning, and there is a good chance that the Red Line--which doesn't have the best business case anyway, and Baltimore County is not super-committed--will not move forward under a Hogan Administration.
4. Millennials as a cohort making different transportation choices (Uber and competition with traditional taxi services, etc.). Maybe this is more of a national story but I do think it's important as an indicator of different age cohorts being more willing to use "new" services and less willing to use "legacy" services.
For example, younger cohorts appear to be more willing to use transit, car sharing, and mobile-enabled ride services like Uber rather than traditional taxi services, which have tended to be laggards for innovation depending on how innovative the regulatory regime of particular cities.
I'm old (54) and I see no reason why Uber shouldn't be regulated like taxi services. While I think having a demand upcharge is reasonable (what Uber calls "surge pricing") I can't in a million years see how a surge pricing upcharge should produce fares equal to the cost of an airplane trip but for a 13 mile trip on the ground.
The fare breakdown for a 13-mile trip via Uber in Houston. See "Almost $250 for 13 miles: Uber’s ‘surge pricing’" from The Highwayman blog/Houston Chronicle.
That isn't even getting at Uber's neoliberal anti-government hardball approach to regulation, the failures in vetting drivers, an unwillingness to take responsibility for driver failures, and the reality that the only reason that the company--probably not the drivers--makes money is because they take 20% of the fare. Without surge pricing they'd make no money.
Fracking and the increase in US oil production (it has increased 80% over the past few years as a result of use of hydraulic fracturing techniques in production) has led to the drop in prices and also has international implications as many oil producing nations need high prices to generate the revenue needed to maintain current political and social commitments. There could be greater social unrest internationally as this shakes out.
Plus, states like Texas and North Dakota that have experienced an economic boom because of oil production increases will in the intermediate term, experience economic decline from reduced revenues and reduction in investment in oil production in the face of lower prices. See "The Petro States of America" from Businessweek.
6. WMATA ridership is falling. While bus fares are in line, if not lower than other cities, subway fares--based on distance--are amongst the highest in the country, comparable in some cases to railroad commuter fares (which makes sense because in the outer parts of the metropolitan area, Metrorail service is more comparable to railroad passenger service than to an inner city subway).
The quality of service has declined significantly in the face of reconstruction, especially on the weekends, and as subway cars age.
Fares are high and the reduction of the federal transit benefit and impacts of the Federal shutdown and budget cuts have reduced federal employment which are the major reasons for the decline ("Metro ridership down over the last two years," Washington Business Journal).
Ridership is down one-ninth, to 200 million trips per year.
7. But APTA reports that nationally, transit ridership is still increasing ("Five signs America is falling in love with public transit," CNN) and maybe what that means is that we are moving towards a more pronounced differentiated land use/transit paradigm, where transit ridership in those cities that have developed a reasonably robust sustainable transportation infrastructure may maintain and rise, despite gasoline prices, because of substantive shifts in behavior between metropolitan cores and their outskirts.
In those communities with walking city/transit city spatial urban design patterns--cities like DC, San Francisco, New York City--and where transit, walking and biking trips are often competitive with trips by car, transit can hold its own.
However, transit expansion will be hard, as proven in DC and Arlington, because even in areas with robust transit systems, a great many people and often the most vocal of civic activists, are automobile-centric in their approach to urban questions, especially as they age and feel unable to walk, bike, or use transit.
8. Meanwhile, WMATA is seeking more funds from local jurisdictions to pay for various increased costs, without having to increase fares. See ""Let's Talk" -- What to do when your transit authority needs more money?: Washington region edition."
Sadly, the initiative promoted by President Obama to increase federal transportation funding calls for general fund sources too, like Virginia, rather than just a hefty increase in the gas tax and calling it a day ("FACT SHEET: President Obama Lays Out Vision for 21st Century Transportation Infrastructure," White House press release).
However, the recent decline in gasoline prices is a good example of the economic implications of not having different indexes for gas tax calculation. As prices fall, taxes could increase, generating more money for transportation infrastructure, without causing as much economic dislocation.
- Councilmember Mary Cheh proposes a deconsolidation of transportation functions in the city, which is a step backwards and counter to best practice transportation management in world class cities ("Rival bureaucracies are not the way to manage traffic," Washington Post).
- DC finishes the MoveDC transportation plan, but the City Council hasn't yet adopted it as a master plan. (Interestingly, the city's new parking planning policies seem to copy recommendations I made in the blog and privately in communications to DDOT higher ups.)
- DC didn't manage to launch the streetcar in 2014. Service is now supposed to start the week of January 19th. See "A crisis in confidence and the capacity of local government to execute transit projects."
(I am preparing an entry on the impact of the streetcar on H Street in terms of sparking hundreds of millions of dollars of new development, an effect that can't be ignored.)
- the lesson is that you can't punt on having quality leadership in important agencies like the Department of Transportation. The person likely to be nominated by Mayor Bowser to be the agency director comes from Maryland's DOT and has a lot of project management experience.
11. Poorly articulated arguments about streetcars "not being transit" rather than focusing on how streetcars are better at short trips, or what I call intra-district transit, rather than long trips. See "The argument that streetcars are "good enough" but "imperfect transit" is flawed" and "STREETCARS ARE ABOUT TRANSIT, just in a different way from how most people are accustomed to thinking about it." People writing that stuff "aren't helping" and need to up their game.
12. Decline in Dulles Airport usage relative to National and BWI Airports ("Dulles International Airport struggles to find its footing," Post). Partly the problem is too much capacity, relative to demand, because Dulles was created to focus on international travel, which isn't growing at the same rate as domestic airline travel, and its far out location from the core. I've argued that we need a real regional airport plan (""Economic impact of National and Dulles Airports") which we don't have.

Dulles at Dusk by Andrew Rhodes, on Flickr.
Personally, I think Dulles is fine for international travel but isn't well positioned to increase its share of the domestic travel market all that much given the existence of other airports in the region and the fact that other airports in the Mid-Atlantic, like Newark, are more significant hubs.
The State of Virginia has to think really hard about how much it wants to invest in Dulles, how much ability it has to become an aerotropolis compared to BWI Airport, which is better positioned to serve industry because it is proximate to the Port of Baltimore and a more significant proportion of the region's manufacturing base.
Plus there is the issue of the management of the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority. It has "broken trust" with residents who use the Dulles Toll Road, because rates have been jacked up significantly to fund the Silver Line. (The State of Virginia did this deliberately, but MWAA gets the fallout.) But there are other management issues. Plus Virginia wants more control because the airports are located in Virginia, even though they were built with federal funds.
13. Expansion of High Occupancy Toll lanes in Maryland and Virginia. In December, HOT lanes went operational on I-95, in Virginia, from Springfield to Gainesville (photo below), and in Maryland, north of Baltimore. They join existing HOT lanes on I-495 in Virginia, and tunnel and bridge tolls in Norfolk, Virginia, which were imposed to pay for the construction of a new tunnel.
While HOT lanes add capacity at a price--tolls--are they a harbinger of increased privatization of public infrastructure? Probably.
The criticism of HOT lanes is that they promote single occupant vehicle trips, automobility, rather than sustainable transportation.
14. Problems with tolling systems for HOT lanes (and bridges). With the system for 495 and the Elizabeth River Tunnels in Norfolk, Virginia, there are many examples of drivers being screwed "ERC: Toll problems have improved, but work remains," Norfolk Virginian-Pilot).
To speed up throughput and to reduce costs, tolling is now being implemented without tollgates. It's done automatically. But the companies can assess fines, big fines, and they aren't really taking responsibility for prompt billing.
And there needs to be some consideration for people who are low income users of the facilities, and providing assistance in acquiring transponders at the very least. For example, this piece from a tv station in Norfolk, "Unpaid toll bills land family in court," discusses a family facing many thousands of dollars of charges (they claim they didn't receive notice) but the tolls would have been cheaper by half if they would have had an EZPass transponder. Although they were crossing the South Jordan Norfolk Bridge, a different facility from the tunnels. Locally, WTTG-TV has reported on problems with tolling on I-495.
15. DC resident opposition to reconstruction of the Virginia Avenue Railroad Tunnel abetted by lawsuit by the Committee of 100 on the Federal City ("Committee of 100 files lawsuit to derail rail project," WJLA-TV). Related are other examples of organized, ongoing, vociferous opposition to transit:
- aforementioned opposition to streetcars in Arlington
- and in DC ("D.C. should hit the brakes on any streetcar expansion," Post). For both, see "A crisis in confidence and the capacity of local government to execute transit projects."

Cars parked along 26th Street in Baltimore fell onto CSX rail tracks when the road bed collapsed. (Photo credit: Stacey Mink via Associated Press.)
I believe in infrastructure investment and I do believe that certain types of state-regional-national infrastructure shouldn't be held hostage to local planning concerns. (There are some provisions in federal law, such as for railroads, that limit local oversight.) On the other hand, you do need to ensure that local interests are protected.
That being said, there is little negative impact on the city for CSX Transportation expanding the capacity of the Virginia Avenue Tunnel to facilitate freight transportation.
DC residents benefit from access to freight transportation as does the nation. And the collapse of a tunnel in Baltimore earlier in the year ought to communicate to us that we should be fostering such investments rather than hindering them.
So residents fighting the tunnel project, which will have minimal impact on them, offering spurious suggestions such as waiting for a DC railroad transportation plan--which wouldn't make recommendations any different concerning the expansion of this tunnel--seem pretty pointless.
But the city's only long term citizens planning organization sees things differently, and is suing over the agreement to move the project forward.
Seems like a waste of time to me. However, it reminds me of a long ago email conversation, where the point was made that when cities get sued it often cows officials in terms of actions on other projects in the future--they become more timid.
Maybe the intent of the suit isn't to win on the Virginia Avenue Tunnel but to cause grief on transportation officials, so they won't have the audacity to support other important projects which may cause some short term discomfort while they are being constructed, but which people concerned with short term gratification don't want to put up with.
But it's also a reminder of what I see as the biggest problem in public participation in planning, where residents tend to take on circumscribed responsibility, only for what we might call "neighborhood concerns," while discharging their responsibilities as citizens to acknowledge constraints and to be concerned simultaneously with the need to resolve "citywide" and "regional" or "national" concerns as well.
16. Bike share. This is more of a national issue. Bike share systems continue to launch across the country. Expansion in NYC has run into budget issues. Seeking working capital, Alta Bike Share sold itself to a much better funded outfit ("Alta Bicycle Share sold to New York firm," Portland Business Journal,"). But I don't see the new company putting money out in system expansion, except in NYC where they are required to do so.

But I think that bike share will only be successful in cities that already have a significant level of interconnected sustainable mobility options (walking, biking, transit, car share, bike share) supported by density and a walking-transit city urban design spatial pattern.
And financial success defined as "without significant subsidy" will only come in odd situations, like in DC, where tourists generate extranormal revenues from what we might call "late fees." Regular members don't rack up such fees. But without such revenues it's hard for a system to break even on operations.
That's why we see much higher membership fees being imposed in systems where there is no local subsidy, like in NYC and San Diego. Perhaps in San Diego the high fees will hinder ridership, but the system will be able to operate on a break even basis.
DC was innovative the past year by buying some "used" stations at a good price from Ottawa, which switched to a different system, to be able to add more stations while new equipment is not being manufactured. (For example, Seattle uses non-Bixi equipment in their bike share program because of this problem.) That's resulted from the bankruptcy and change in ownership of the organization that developed the Bixi system originally.
And I think it's interesting that Jersey City, NJ, rather than joining in a Hudson County effort, prefers to join in the Citibike system in NYC, to further cement the mobility interconnections between Hoboken and Manhattan ("Jersey City snubs North Hudson bike-share program for NYC's Citi Bike program," Newark Star-Ledger).
2012-2013 actions that became more significant in 2014
17. The Washington Post ran a big section on plans for Union Station's expansion ("Reimagining Union Station | The Washington Post") which is derived from the 2012 Amtrak Master Plan ("Union Station Master Plan, Washington, DC. Note that in the next couple months I plan to have a big piece/position paper on this, in part shaped by a trip to Germany, especially to Hamburg and my experience with how they deliver integrated transit service operations.
18. MARC weekend rail service on the Penn Line launched in 12/2013. Ridership and service expanded over the course of 2014 and MARC has just added facilities for bicycles for weekend service ("MARC Bike Car Now on Select Penn Weekend Trains," MARC press release).
Renderings of a gondola bridging the Potomac River in Washington, D.C., connecting the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, D.C., with the Rosslyn neighborhood of Arlington County, Virginia.
19. In 2013, the Georgetown Business Improvement District came out with a 2028 Vision Plan, which is heavily focused on transportation (Final Georgetown 2028 Plan | Georgetown DC). In 2014, I became more enamored with their idea of aerial tram service between Rosslyn and Georgetown. More on that within the next few months.See the ULI article, "Transit Planners Look to the Sky with Cable Cars, Gondolas."
20, The Silver Spring Transit Center continued failure to open, but I think the bigger issue is its uninspired design. See "Maybe the ideal solution for the Silver Spring Transit Center would be to start over."
Other/National Issues
21. Various efforts around the country, many failed (e.g., in Florida), to increase transportation funding for local transit expansion. As well as efforts (e.g., Michigan, Missouri) at the state level, etc.
22. Failure to increase the Federal Gasoline Excise Tax.
23. Failure to invest in infrastructure when interest rates are so low.
24. Vision Zero traffic safety initiatives.
25. Successful transit expansion in Seattle (streetcar, light rail), Portland (streetcar, light rail), Salt Lake City (streetcar as part of a larger system), Los Angeles, Tucson (streetcar), Atlanta (streetcar), San Francisco (light rail/streetcar + BART in the Bay Area), Denver, Minneapolis
26. Privately funded high speed rail projects move forward in Texas and Florida
27. While high speed rail development continues to be controversial and languish in California.
28. The transportation of oil in the face of high volatility of the shipments (train car safety) and the failure to have adequate national regulations. (It's a state function, sort of.)
29, Amtrak's ridership is increasing. But the quality of train cars is low. You can see this in those systems where the state, such as California's funding of the Pacific Surfliner, provide extra funds for better equipment. The Surfliner is a much better ride than the regional cars on the Northeast Corridor.
In San Diego.
30. Calls in Chicago and Toronto for changes in how those metropolitan areas organize, operate, and fund transit.
Labels: car culture and automobility, gasoline excise taxes, infrastructure, participatory democracy and empowered participation, transportation planning, urban design/placemaking
Great post. Should be required reading for all area elected officials, especially those in Arlington, who should be deeply worried about how they stack up versus Fairfax (cheaper but still with metro access) and the District (more authentically urban).
I have too many thoughts to outline them all clearly but:
On Dulles: I agree it is fine for international travel but is otherwise pretty far flung. It's an anecdotal example, but for our trip over the holidays to visit relatives in Belgium, I guesstimate that the Metro/bus trip out there from Potomac Avenue was just a little bit shorter than our high-speed train ride from Paris CDG Airport to Bruxelles-Midi train station, where we caught a local train to the small town in the Ardennes where my relatives live. (Speaking of a well integrated transportation network...)
On the Virginia Avenue tunnel: opposition makes little sense and will get nowhere. It boggles my mind that the Committee of 100 is so blatantly proposing to reroute all freight rail traffic through a low-income neighborhood to avoid impacts on a wealthy neighborhood. (I live pretty close to the tracks, though east of the tunnel -- they are no big deal.) Of course, if the District really had its act together, it would have worked with CSX, MARC and VRE to combine the tunnel expansion with a plan to add a third or even a fourth track to the corridor and electrify it, with an eye towards expanding commuter rail service and as a first step to creating a regional rail system. We are now about 50 years behind most major European cities on that count. (Just saying, for those DC elected officials who think we are 'world class'. Also on the 'world class' note: riding the trams in Brussels made it clear that running streetcars is not rocket science. Riding the trams in Brussels also made it clear how half-assed an halfhearted the H Street project is. The difference is that the powers that be in Brussels had the b**ls to dedicate street space to trams at the expense of cars. Not just in one corridor but throughout the city. And that in a city that by European standards is pretty car-centric! Also, riding the trams in Brussels made me realize just how stupid and short sighted the Committee of 100 and other anti-streetcar folks in this area really are. I guess they don't get out much or when they do they just rent cars or take taxis. Finally, the trams in Brussels, overhead wires and all, go by literally dozens of churches, most of them much more historic than the church at 11th & K. As best I can tell, Brussel's churches are no worse the wear. Trams with overhead wires also go past the royal palace...On a more positive note, i would urge anyone visiting Brussels to ride the 44 tram to the end of the line; it goes through a beautiful park and forest and is one of the nicest transit rides I have ever experienced.)
Still enjoy reading your blog, but the time commitment demanded is still somewhat of an impediment!
Regarding Uber, you comment:
"I'm old (54) and I see no reason why Uber shouldn't be regulated like taxi services. While I think having a demand upcharge is reasonable (what Uber calls "surge pricing") I can't in a million years see how a surge pricing upcharge should produce fares equal to the cost of an airplane trip but for a 13 mile trip on the ground."
I agree, but what in hell's bells does being old have to do with it? As someone who is also in that age range, I read that comment as slighly derogatory and degrading to our point of view. Not to overthink it too much, but we need people with age to stand up and articulately lay out things from time to time, not feel self-conscious about it, and especially not to ADMIT they are self conscious about it. I take this seriously because -- see below.
The risk all cities take in attracting people from the suburbs regardless of age, is that these people moving in will not appreciate PUBLIC SERVICES namely transportation in this case in such as a way as to make them sustainable. I can't count the number of princes and princesses I've known some of whom are friends who refuse to take the bus. To me, the bus is one of the best things about DC. But Uber degrades not only our mediocre traditional cab system (which is vital) but also our bus system which is more vital than the cabs.
Green Space
rg, please submit more comments as they occur.
wrt trams, I have and may never go to Australia, but apparently the tram system in Melbourne uses a lot of dedicated street ROW.
Sadly, I didn't get a chance to use the trams in Essen. In the core city, they run underground and are called subways, while in the outskirts they are street running. Some dedicated, some not.
OTOH, the complaint in the Ruhr region is that the different cities use different standards and surface transit that isn't S-Bahn isn't integrated. E.g., Bochum has its own tram system, etc.
But yes, what we're doing in DC is half assed.
I am trying to do a walk on H St. with a WMATA board member, to demonstrate the development impact.
2. wrt the railroad question, ironically for virtually all of the 27 years I've lived in DC, I've lived within a few blocks of railroad lines, mostly the Met. Branch. Even now we live I guess 2.5 blocks from the Met. Branch, although some of the noise is blocked by buildings fronting Blair Road.
It is incredible that Capitol Hill people shouldn't have !!!! underground !!!!! freight rail while it is fine for low income residents or even those of us along the Met Branch in DC and Maryland--there is plenty of freight transportation along that line.
oh rg, basically your point, way more succinct than I am capable of writing:
those in Arlington, who should be deeply worried about how they stack up versus Fairfax (cheaper but still with metro access) and the District (more authentically urban) is the gist of half completed post I have on that topic, although it focuses on ArCo's hiring of Carol Mitten and Victor Hopkins.
Green Space -- yes, my "competitive advantage" which really is a disadvantage in building wider readership, is the length and depth of my posts. OTOH, I don't want to write something poorly argued so that someone else like me is in the position to savage it (e.g., see point #11).
I agree, really, that age isn't the issue. E.g., in something I wrote in 2013 that was distributed on a Chevy Chase e-list, my defense of sustainable transpo was derided by someone as something only young people can do. It turns out I am 3 or 4 years older than that person complaining. I've been biking transportationally for 24 years. If anything my willingness to bike longer distances has increased over time, not decreased.
MORE IMPORTANTLY, YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT THAT THIS IS ABOUT neoliberalism and public goods. (E.g., I just wrote a negative comment on a Grist Mag. article about PRT in saying that PRT is just a bag job, it's "public" "transit" for people who don't want to have to ride in the same space as other people.)
An Uber unwilling to submit to regulation (and HOT Lanes) is about privatizing public goods, creating the luxury lane, not about building a robust sustainable mobility system.
(However, Uber has generated ideas that need to stoke and push the taxi industry towards innovation. The problem is that regulators are pretty staid, and because the industry is not especially profitable, especially for drivers, it's hard to invest in service improvements. Of course, Uber and similar services will only reduce the profitability of traditional taxi services, making it that much harder to invest in improvements.)
And maybe because people don't know how to read maps, or want to read maps, and because they mostly come to the city with limited experience with public transit and public services, would rather use privatized services and not have to bother to learn how to use public services.
For whatever reasons, riding school buses doesn't promote an appreciation for transit.
Granted, I had only a little bit of experience with transit before coming to DC--some use of the U of Michigan bus system and the AA Transportation Authority buses when I lived in North Ann Arbor--and a couple experiences with trains, and a couple experiences with NYC and Toronto subways as a tourist.
I was committed to using the Metrorail. But my then girlfriend worked with a DC resident who used the bus system and that introduced us to buses. And the efficiency orientation in me led me to ride buses when it was faster.
E.g., faster to ride the X bus downtown than it is to walk to Union Station get to the platform wait for the train, move on the train, walk out of the station, and walk to your final destination downtown.
(Biking of course is faster still.
That being said, while I have ridden buses in many places (SF, Seattle, Portland, Louisville, SLC, Chicago, Ann Arbor, NYC, Philadelphia, DC, Baltimore, Montreal, etc.) I wouldn't say that bus service is more attractive than rail.
If you haven't read it, and it's even longer than this piece, you should read this:
Thanks for slogging through the length.
"it is incredible that Capitol Hill people shouldn't have !!!! underground !!!!! freight rail while it is fine for low income residents or even those of us along the Met Branch in DC and Maryland--there is plenty of freight transportation along that line."
even more incredible is building new wood framed dwellings within the footprint of a derailment and at a lower elevation next to ELEVATED freight rail- yet apparently not a word about that on the DC SafeRail site.
AAF is moving forward, yes, which is great. However, that's a unique situation in that they already own a ton of track, ROW and land that will greatly increase in value once passenger service is started. The Texas project is vapor ware till some real money is put behind it. They've been trying to do that for 30 years with no visible progress.
CA HSR has already been demoing and just had a (ceremonial) groundbreaking. They've stashed away over 10 billion for it, and just allocated several hundred million dollars of cap and trade money (annually) so that is moving forward and will be very successful. Here's the piece on the groundbreaking:
Silver line phase one ridership appears to have been average so far, but I agree that it is a multi decade investment and you are already seeing so much high rise residential and office development at the stations.
I agree with you that the H St streetcar may surprise to the upside. No fares at first will help dramatically, as will the fact that the X2 is overcrowded morning, noon and night. Please keep hammering your point about intracity transit - I don't know why this simple point escapes so many. I believe average daily ridership for the streetcar was project at 1.5k to 2.5k, correct? That's an achievable goal, and I wouldn't be surprised if actual ridership the first year is 25 to 50% higher than that. Hopefully it will occur and then political backing should be much stronger. It also adds to the strength of Union Station, I look forward to reading your piece on Union Station.
Also, note that ridership on state sponsored CA routes continues to increase, even with gas prices down:
CAHSR will be a huge hit, just have to keep working on building it.
Incoming Senate chairman says gas tax increase is on the table
Umm, today's LA Times has a front page story about construction starting on HSR, so I should modify the entry. (Plus I forgot to mention the port authority veto).
... although Amtrak California ridership is up, Metrolink ridership is down. I think Caltrain is still increasing.
2. wrt Texas, I thought that a Japanese firm was willing to put $ into it?
Nice Blog
Thanks for shairing nice information.
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thank you very much for the contribution ^
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