Transit watchdog threated with lawsuit

A Bendy Bus causes traffic chaos on Rosebery Avenue in Islington. Photo sent in by Warren Scott. Send in your Bendy Bus photos to
The privatization of transit service in England included the creation of official watchdog groups. London TravelWatch is the watchdog group for the London region. According to the London Times, in "Rail firm’s legal threat to silence passenger watchdog," the group is being threatened with a lawsuit because they pointed out service failures.
From the article:
The letter stated that the number of complaints from passengers received by the watchdog had more than doubled and that overcrowding was more than twice as bad as for the average operator in London and the South East. Brian Cooke, chairman of London TravelWatch, held a series of meetings over several months with FGW to discuss its performance and had repeatedly urged it to take action to improve its service.
When the situation failed to improve, Mr Cooke wrote to the minister setting out the problems and telling him that the watchdog’s board had unanimously passed a resolution calling on the Department for Transport (DfT) to “consider terminating the franchise”.
Labels: government oversight, participatory democracy and empowered participation, privatization, transportation planning
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