A chance to get a bike this weekend..
From PJ Park, Mount Rainier Bike Co-op:
I have been working with Colin Dixon of Phoenix Bikes in Arlington, and we are going to hold an end of the year refurbished bike sale at a location exactly half-way in between our two locations--it will be at the 7th Street Garden in Shaw, just off Rhode Island Avenue
There will be all types of refurbished bikes for sale there--Mountain, Road, kids bikes, single speed, etc. It'll also be a gathering of community bike project members and volunteers. Come see the garden, too! It is on the Green Line subway, get off at Shaw, and cross Rhode Island Avenue on 7th Street and the garden will be on the right.
After your purchase, you can ride your bike back home. Or, of course, you can hop right back on the metro with your bike (allowed all day on Saturday) and ride home from the subway
If you want to volunteer in moving the bikes, working the event or refurbishing bikes, please reply to this message. Free refreshments to volunteers!
Hope to see you there!

A woman collects her bicycle from a parking lot outside a subway station in Beijing. REUTERS/Reinhard Krause.
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