Holy s***! San Francisco names sustainable mobility consultant Jeff Tumlin as director of the SF Municipal Transportation Agency
He's a great speaker, author of Sustainable Transportation Planning: Tools for Creating Vibrant, Healthy, and Resilient Communities, a principal at the Nelson/Nygaard transportation consulting firm. The first time I heard him talk was at the Virginia Transit Association annual meeting in Arlington County, Virginia, maybe in 2005?
-- Jeff Tumlin will join the SFMTA as Director of Transportation, SFMTA press release
-- "‘We in transportation have to clean up the mess of bad housing policy,’ says new SFMTA director," Curbed SF

SF MTA is an innovator:
- including the heritage streetcar program
- integrating parking enforcement within the agency
- innovative pass products
- public space enhancement/urban design programs
- recently announcing moving Market Street to a transit prioritized street
- etc.
For me the rail transit system there is a particularly important example in how it is "monocentric" vis a vis the polycentric form of the BART system as discussed by Steve Belmont in Cities in Full.
Labels: change-innovation-transformation
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